Project Gotham Racing 4

People keep mentioning resolution... but the game looks and plays great. If you didnt know it was 1024X600 would you still complain?:rolleyes:

I would, its obvious as hell to me thats it not 720p as it just does'nt look as "sharp" as all my other 360 games on my TV.
Yeah, there would be no point of using higher rendering resolutions if it wasn't for the fact that they make everything look notably sharper.
I wanna see this screen shot...

Me too.

I started this thread on PGR4 to have a thread to track what I expect to be another running diary of completion leading up to release in the fall, not to talk about how chitty the very first 360 game looked a year and a half ago.

this is a NEW game folks so let's just see what they do when developing in 2006/2007 instead of on Alpha kits from 2004/2005... huh? wadda ya say? ;)

No scans allowed, so we are left with comparing his comment about PG3 and it's bullshots to reality.

point taken but you must admit, they did a pretty danged good job considering they did not have final hardware for most of the dev cycle.

Their product history should allow some benefit of the doubt wrt finally building a game targeting the 360 with real life dev kits and tools. ;) IMO.
I definitely understand your point and cop to obvious visual flaws in the game. I guess for me (and im no PGR apologist) i enjoyed the game enough not to be distracted. I play on an 110" DLP at 10 feet away..

i think the scaling at 110" would cover some of it up. But please don't get me wrong, its my fav. game in my collection right now. Well ok, it's the ONLY game (really poor college student) in my collection, but of those that I've played I have the most fun with PGR3 (except maybe lost planet). I love the soundtracks, and just driving around playing some Streets, is pretty nice. :D peace
I'm more excited about PGR4 than Forza 2. PGR has always been the sweet spot between Arcade and simulation for me, the driving model is sweet if you ask me, also the 30fps in this game doesn't bother me one bit.

Same. After experiencing PGR3, it is the game I'm most excited about. I really hope they expand their soundtrack, enhance graphics (inevitable), and most importantly expand their car selection, and add part swaps (like that great SNES racing game). I'm talking tires, engine upgrades, suspension, etc. With weather effects, it would be the perfect op to introduce snow tires, extra sticky tires for rain, and so on. That would be seriously cool :)
point taken but you must admit, they did a pretty danged good job considering they did not have final hardware for most of the dev cycle.

Their product history should allow some benefit of the doubt wrt finally building a game targeting the 360 with real life dev kits and tools. ;) IMO.


I'm surprised MS did not buy this studio but perhaps they talked it over and the studio prefers being "outside". I expect good things from these guys. :smile:

How would you guys feel about having the original tracks from pgr3 being downloadable for a price? They would look much better through their new renderer no doubt and it could be great for those that missed out (avoided) pgr3. :cool:

It feels quite nice having two high calibre racing series on the xb360, though I do wonder why they wouldn't delay this game till next year in a dry (racing) market... odd.
I would quite enjoy an "Off Road" style customization. Pretty basic (engine, tires, etc) and have upgrade "point" levels, so each car could have up to, say, 5 potential upgrade points in each area depending on the limitations of the car. Simple enough that you don't waste a lot of time doing it (nor competing with FM2), but adding some depth as well as something that could impact multi-race online scenarios or leagues.

Btw, while I won't complain about PGR4 coming sooner than later (I hope they got to redo their engine like they wanted to...) I do wonder why 2007. With FM2 being released it as well as all the other great titles in 2007 allowing it to slip to 2008 to get the proper attention would seem more reasonable. I guess the realities are that FM2 slid 6 months and PGR4 is still on pace to be released this year.
I would quite enjoy an "Off Road" style customization. Pretty basic (engine, tires, etc) and have upgrade "point" levels, so each car could have up to, say, 5 potential upgrade points in each area depending on the limitations of the car. Simple enough that you don't waste a lot of time doing it (nor competing with FM2), but adding some depth as well as something that could impact multi-race online scenarios or leagues.

Btw, while I won't complain about PGR4 coming sooner than later (I hope they got to redo their engine like they wanted to...) I do wonder why 2007. With FM2 being released it as well as all the other great titles in 2007 allowing it to slip to 2008 to get the proper attention would seem more reasonable. I guess the realities are that FM2 slid 6 months and PGR4 is still on pace to be released this year.

That's the game! Yeah, thats what I want. Nothing crazy, just fun, arcade style modifications, that guys like me who don't know a ton about cars can get into.

edit: Actually, I found it. It was called Top Gear, for SNES. THat game ruled when I was 7. I want that level of car customization, maybe a bit more indepth lol :)
i think too many of the people here spend way too much time nitpicking and over analyzing the damn game instead of enjoying it

like the people with TV's who will go to great lengths to freeze frame a 1080i image and 1080p image to point out barely noticeable jaggies in a friggin still shot...guess what braniacs....we dont sit around and stare at still shots guys....we watch moving pictures and play games to enjoy them, not pause them and over analyze them

are we not talking about video games here? are we not talking about entertainment? when you really get down to it and if you really would relax and allow yourselves to enjoy the game or movie, whatever......and stop going to the earth's end to find a flaw, you might, just might actually start to enjoy life...

PGR3 was an amazingly simple game that delivered graphically and more importantly with gameplay and substance that allow it a little leadway (as if it was necessary) in fine detail graphics....

PGR3 to me is like Grand Turismo was on the Playstation, classic, good graphics ( for it's time), great gameplay, and alot of replay value, it is the one game to this day that i can stick in and really enjoy and it was the first game i had on my 360, other games i have bought were nice, some had better graphics, some introduced some new innovative gameplay characteristics, etc.....but PGR3 is like good ole' trusty for me and alot of other racing game fans

that being said i am very much looking forward to Forza2 AND PGR4 and will buy both, neither will dissapoint i am sure, are they perfect, NO, but if some of you guys would stop trying to achieve the pinnacle of perfection and enjoy these creations you might learn to breathe a little, sheesh!, besides, types like that will never be satisfied anyways, so what's the friggin' point? do you really feel the need to point our minuscule oddities in what is a highly successful product?

i am all for innovation and pushing the envelope, especially with graphics and gameplay, i like both, but sheesh!......................:rolleyes:

i think too many of the people here spend way too much time nitpicking and over analyzing the damn game instead of enjoying it

like the people with TV's who will go to great lengths to freeze frame a 1080i image and 1080p image to point out barely noticeable jaggies in a friggin still shot...guess what braniacs....we dont sit around and stare at still shots guys....we watch moving pictures and play games to enjoy them, not pause them and over analyze them

are we not talking about video games here? are we not talking about entertainment? when you really get down to it and if you really would relax and allow yourselves to enjoy the game or movie, whatever......and stop going to the earth's end to find a flaw, you might, just might actually start to enjoy life...

PGR3 was an amazingly simple game that delivered graphically and more importantly with gameplay and substance that allow it a little leadway (as if it was necessary) in fine detail graphics....

PGR3 to me is like Grand Turismo was on the Playstation, classic, good graphics ( for it's time), great gameplay, and alot of replay value, it is the one game to this day that i can stick in and really enjoy and it was the first game i had on my 360, other games i have bought were nice, some had better graphics, some introduced some new innovative gameplay characteristics, etc.....but PGR3 is like good ole' trusty for me and alot of other racing game fans

that being said i am very much looking forward to Forza2 AND PGR4 and will buy both, neither will dissapoint i am sure, are they perfect, NO, but if some of you guys would stop trying to achieve the pinnacle of perfection and enjoy these creations you might learn to breathe a little, sheesh!, besides, types like that will never be satisfied anyways, so what's the friggin' point? do you really feel the need to point our minuscule oddities in what is a highly successful product?

i am all for innovation and pushing the envelope, especially with graphics and gameplay, i like both, but sheesh!......................:rolleyes:


yes :p

Seriously, if one is "into" technology and "into" av hometheater etc, then one aspect of enjoying it is the behind the scenes "stuff" that makes it look/sound great. Without going into a long rant, it is one of the things I am most looking forward to with pgr4 is seeing what the team was able to do with all this extra time other than the obvious: "look they have new cars/tracks". ;)

While it is true that some can nitpick too much and let these negatives impact their enjoyment of the game, for the most part I don't think it's taken that far.

As for me with PGR3, I was hyped for the game prior to launch, but before knowing what res the game was running at, the kiosks did not show this game in a favorable light, IMO. It looked "nice", but not as nice as it could have due to the limited render resolution which should be cleared up in the sequel seeing as the team has had more than a couple of months(!) to get their code up and running. :cool:

Point taken though jamesandmandy. :smile:
i think too many of the people here spend way too much time nitpicking and over analyzing the damn game instead of enjoying it

like the people with TV's who will go to great lengths to freeze frame a 1080i image and 1080p image to point out barely noticeable jaggies in a friggin still shot...guess what braniacs....we dont sit around and stare at still shots guys....we watch moving pictures and play games to enjoy them, not pause them and over analyze them

are we not talking about video games here? are we not talking about entertainment? when you really get down to it and if you really would relax and allow yourselves to enjoy the game or movie, whatever......and stop going to the earth's end to find a flaw, you might, just might actually start to enjoy life...

PGR3 was an amazingly simple game that delivered graphically and more importantly with gameplay and substance that allow it a little leadway (as if it was necessary) in fine detail graphics....

PGR3 to me is like Grand Turismo was on the Playstation, classic, good graphics ( for it's time), great gameplay, and alot of replay value, it is the one game to this day that i can stick in and really enjoy and it was the first game i had on my 360, other games i have bought were nice, some had better graphics, some introduced some new innovative gameplay characteristics, etc.....but PGR3 is like good ole' trusty for me and alot of other racing game fans

that being said i am very much looking forward to Forza2 AND PGR4 and will buy both, neither will dissapoint i am sure, are they perfect, NO, but if some of you guys would stop trying to achieve the pinnacle of perfection and enjoy these creations you might learn to breathe a little, sheesh!, besides, types like that will never be satisfied anyways, so what's the friggin' point? do you really feel the need to point our minuscule oddities in what is a highly successful product?

i am all for innovation and pushing the envelope, especially with graphics and gameplay, i like both, but sheesh!......................:rolleyes:


I have to agree about the nitpicking part but that being said, I found PGR3 really mediocre both in graphics and gameplay. But the graphics can be forgiven since it was a launch game IIRC, and most of the 360 launch games felt rushed to me. I've not liked any of Bizarre's Xbox games so far though, only their PSOne F1 game which was great. :)

Looking forward to Forza 2 a lot more than PGR4.
Has anyone seen them yet ? How do they look ?
I live in France so I won't be able to see them though I want to so badly :cry:
We do have to remember FM2 slipped on its release. Had it come out in late 2006/very early 2007, this wouldn't be an issue. It seems PGR4 was always on a pace to release in late 2007. It's just unfortunate FM2 fell behind making this seem weird to some.
We do have to remember FM2 slipped on its release. Had it come out in late 2006/very early 2007, this wouldn't be an issue. It seems PGR4 was always on a pace to release in late 2007. It's just unfortunate FM2 fell behind making this seem weird to some.

Yeah, I remember the PGR team saying that the delay of FM2 would not delay the release of PGR4.

sorry if this sounds overally negative, IMO, but PGR4 needs to be 720p, 60fps, 4x AA for me to even concider buying it. PGR3 really disappointed me when I played it, even for a 360 launch game. hope PGR4 shows what 360 is made of :)
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sorry if this sounds overally negative, IMO, but PGR4 needs to be 720p, 60fps, 4x AA for me to even concider buying it. PGR3 really disappointed me when I played it, even for a 360 launch game. hope PGR4 shows what 360 is made of :)

{krshsh} anything else sir?{krshsh}
{krshsh} ok, that'll be $59.99 at the first window{krshsh}


Seriously If these guys hit 720p 2x @60 with PGR I'd be ok with it. Though it would be cool if they could hit your target as well as keep the motion blur and hdr and add traffic and improve on their textures while their at it plus bump up their reflections and tweak their lighting. :p

(Actually I like the lighting in PGR even if it isn't 100% realistic but it would be good if Forza could match GT lighting as I think they pretty much have realistic lighting nailed.)
sorry if this sounds overally negative, IMO, but PGR4 needs to be 720p, 60fps, 4x AA for me to even concider buying it. PGR3 really disappointed me when I played it, even for a 360 launch game. hope PGR4 shows what 360 is made of :)

Well, with that as the target for FM2 it certainly seems possible, but ultimately it depends on how "advanced" they are aiming for lighting and shader models and environment complexity. Whatever gives the best final visual result is what I'd prefer.