Think about even if extra ram only added average cost of 5$ per console at the end of console cycle that would have been 5$*100million equalling to 500 million dollars of lost money(not even counting if the extra ram happened to cause more consoles to break and require warranty repairs).
First, are there even any consoles that have made it to year 5 and not become profitable to manufacture?
Second, if discussing RAM, it loses its price the quickest out of all performance components, since it is the easiest to manufacture and the first technology to take advantage of new process nodes due to it's simplicity compared to processors.
We are dealing with a 10 year life-cycle here, and its not like sales numbers pan out evenly over all the years. The first 2-3 years, when the manufacturer stands to make the most losses and console prices are high, are usually the ones that make the smallest sales. I mean, really small sales. By end of year 2 X360 was still around 5 million units sold. Microsoft itself said that expects X360 to become profitable to manufacture by 2007.
So by today we should have 5 million X360 consoles sold at loss, 50 million sold at even or at profit and more to come?
The following is a very simplified and non-reasearched example of why it makes sense to lose money in the first years at all, and why it makes sense to lose money on RAM:
Let's be very pessimistic and say that you will make a $50 loss on 8GB of GDDR5 (2014 prices, remember) on every $499 console sold. So, you sell 5 million in first 2 years. That's $250 million lost.
But then as prices come down, you hit even for the year 3, and incur no extra losses.
By the beginning of the 4th year you launch a new SKU that makes a $50 profit at a $249 price tag. In the years 4 and 5, you sell 30 million consoles due to the reduced price tag, (and because your console's games run smoother and look better due to 8GB RAM compared to the competition, which is clearly getting long in the tooth with just 4GB and where developers have to devise clever ways to overcome the hardware handicap... some do an acceptable job that gets "almost the same, with pop-in and reduced detail here and there", but most won't even bother and just tune down texture detail until it fits, meaning your console's version is the one recommended by all critics and gamers alike for almost every multiplatform AAA game).
You make $1,500 million, and cover all the losses taken during the initial 2 years, with plenty left over.
RAM is now the cheapest performance component of your system at $6.25 for the total of 8GB, as prices have been halved 3 times during the 5 years since launch. And that's just at the half-way mark of your console's life cycle.
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