Re: ...
Deadmeat said:
Dual core POWER5 would mean 4 CPUs on the same chip
It is actually two. Looks like four because of SMT
Uhh, no? Power5 itself is based heavily in Power4's microarchitecture with the entire execution pipeline transfered over IIRC. It retains it's dual cores and adds SMT to each. All-in-all, Power5 is considered by even IBM as a lower-end server IC as compared relativly with Power4. It has some cool power saving functionality, preliminary
Fast Track (which is useless in a console) and such, but it's definitly not the leap Power6 promises to be.
Which is curious as around the time Power5 development began in 2001, there was alot of IBM senior engineers moving to that
other project. Although I'd hope they'll bring more than this to the table, atleast the speculation is moving in the right direction in preformance from the initial talk of Intel's IC.
DeadmeatGA said:
What uses would IBM have of CELL? CELL mainframe? CELL AS/400? CELL rackservers?? Get real.
Actually, didn't Mfa post a publication from IBM which stated they intend to use Cell derivatives in their low-end servers a while back?
It wouldn't be surprising really, given the trend toward using low-cost common commodity IC's in servers. Hell, you of all people being the master of applying Blue Gene to every-frickin' thing possible should realize that this concept of low-cost IC's
en masse isn't exactly alien to IBM. The stuff such as NCSA-UIUC's PS2 cluster and the imminent move towards high-end visualization using nVidia and ATI ICs only furthers this ideology.