Country: UK
Type of Connection: ADSL
Brand/ISP name: Pipex
Connection Speed: 2Mb/256Kb
Data Transfer Limit (if applicable): None
No of Hours (if applicable): No limit
Any Comment: As good as it gets in the UK, outside of London/cities where Bulldog own an exchange/SDSL
Average Data Transfer Speed (upload): 35KB/sec
Average Data Transfer Speed (download): 230KB/sec
Expense per month (in USD): $65/£33.99
Type of Connection: ADSL
Brand/ISP name: Pipex
Connection Speed: 2Mb/256Kb
Data Transfer Limit (if applicable): None
No of Hours (if applicable): No limit
Any Comment: As good as it gets in the UK, outside of London/cities where Bulldog own an exchange/SDSL
Average Data Transfer Speed (upload): 35KB/sec
Average Data Transfer Speed (download): 230KB/sec
Expense per month (in USD): $65/£33.99