Well, to me this guy just sound misinformed. I posted in that very same thread that I think it's a pity that we don't get one of the older Time Crisis type of games where you could only shoot, and a machine gun was a small temporary upgrade. I want a Western themed one, specially made for Move so you can also play as Indians with bow and arrow, throwing your axe or throwing/stabbing with your knife ...
The thing is, Time Crisis is just one of many point and shoot games that are returning. There's The Shoot, there's even Dead Space: Extraction being ported from the Wii, and that may just be a lot more fun than any of the Time Crisis 'bullet storms'. Put that together and within months from launch we already get more light-gun games than have been released on Sony platforms in the five years prior.
Another important point: many of these games are cheap PSN games - games like Tumble don't cost $40! Neither does Echochrome 2. Complaints about Velocity Bowling, Hustle Kings or Flower receiving Move patches and then saying 'but they're just one game, not a collection like Wii Sports' completely ignoring that these are cheap PSN titles, and then going on that Sports Champions "is alright and I think it can be fun with friends. I wouldn't buy the Move for just that though" when my impression is that just the Table Tennis has so much depth (with its various difficulty levels, accurate simulation, etc.) its worth the price of admission to me. And all the complaints about needing multiple controllers ... yeah, sure, Kinect is easier to
The only point where I agree is that right now, buying a PS3 and a Move controllers is too expensive. In Europe, the 320GB Move bundle is 349,- (which I think isn't that bad actually). While I think that is great value (bluray, big harddrive, comes with both a DS3 and a Move controller) and none of the other systems beat it in that respect, it's still a high entry price and that price of entry needs to come down before it becomes a massive hit and drives PS3 adoption.
Tomorrow the Move and Move games review embargo drops however, and I think this is going to clear up a lot of things. But you rest assured that every PS3 family here at work (and there are surprisingly many) will lap this up day one, and I'm ready to stake money on that they won't regret it either.
(unless maybe someone is careless with the wriststrap during start the party ... )