Random thoughts:
Doing some simple math reveals that in this version of the Broadband Engine alone, There are 256 units within the 32 APUs (128 interger, 128 FP) - and its seems, a further 128 units (of unknown combination) in the 16 APUs of the Visualizer, assuming there are in fact half as many APUs compared to the BE.
Panajev – IIRC, in another forum, awhile back (months ago) I think you mentioned The term Thread Unit (TU/TUs) --that there would be 8 TUs with every CPU core and maybe 16-32 cores PER Cell processor in one possible version of Cell. Ok, can I assume the thread units ARE the APUs? Or are the TUs the FP & Integer units within the APUs?
I remember the number 8192, it sticks out in my mind. I think I remember you saying that there might be as many as 8192 thread units in a single device (maybe even a console) back when you speculated on there being many many cell processors in a single system, perhaps several cell processors making up a Cell Chip, and a number of Cell Chips in a system. ...you guys remember the talk of DIMMs of Cells like memory?...
IIRC, you said a system could have maybe a 32 cell processors , which would contain upto a thousand simple ARM or PPC cpu cores (1024) or at least 512 if each cell had only 16 cores, and thousands of thread units. (4096-8192) What was that for again—a server, workstation, consumer PC, or even a possible iteration of PS3?
Now I realize that sounds absolutely LUDICRIS to many here, but I’m positive you mentioned this in another forum, perhaps here as well (haven’t searched through all the threads at Beyond3D) - ( heh I can see Panajev now, looking around going, who, me??? )
Of course that was when Cell Chips/Processors were going to clock at between 500 Mhz to 1 GHz. Now we are talking 4 GHz, so the amount of processors, cores, thread units are cut back significantly, but still, that was a totally HUGE number of processors, and sub-processors.
that said, with the actual patent and diagram, assuming it is for PS3, I am still amazed at the number of processors that are actually present, dispite the fantasy numbers in the speculation above. kinda reminds me of 3DLabs P10!