Either way after reading the interviews of Oles Shishkovstov on DF, I wonder if actually 1 192 bit with 16/24 ROPs along with 6GB would have been "wiser" in the long run.
The guys thinks that 8GB was pushing a bit (MSFT reserved lots of GB for the OS).
Then there is the matter of shrinking the chip, I'm eager to find what is the size of Orbis SoC. I don't expect it to "big". It could set hurdle for price reduction.
Then there is the matter of hardware utilization. The PS4 (as parts like Pitcairn) doesn't have enough bandwidth to make the most of silicon invest in the ROPs under any circumstances (though I guess there are cases where 32 ROPs is better than 24 or 16).
I guess Sony wanted to have that advantage in raw numbers (for real perfs and the difference it makes as far as masses are concerned... it is another matter) and land some PR wins early, though I still think they could have paid an high price for that.
In the light of Durango specs and MSFT relative silence on the matter (even if the system were to be better) they don't have anything easily "marketable" "PR friendly" to push to the press/media, I think that Sony should have done a blend of "upgrade/downgrade".
I know nobody will agree, especially Sony fans, but Sony could have:
up the ram up to 6GB, 4GB for games, 1GB for the OS and services, 1 "for later"
related to that is the choice of a 192 bit bus
Disable 1 core and reserve one for the OS.
I would have disable 2 SIMD and try to save on the power slightly by clocking the GPU @750MHz
All that starting from a chip with 8 cores, 18 SIMD, 32 ROPs
Sounds crazy but:
it could have pushed good yields into great great/awesome territories
they would have saved a few Watts on the GPU
you save 25% on the RAM costs, lower power consumption (less memory controllers, less memory chips).
you have a 192bit bus easier to fit down the road (after a shrink).
They could have under cut the Xbone without cutting their new eye toy
Last but not least, from a PR pov they would still have been in a situation to claim they have the biggest one, TFLOPS and simple metrics still rule the opinion.
Now when I read about that "rumor" about 8Gb GDDR5 chip I think that Sony could have been really aggressive on price.