PlayStation 4 (codename Orbis) technical hardware investigation (news and rumours)

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Although Richard suggests that there may be an additional 1GB for game DVR on top of the OS reservation, so I don't think there is enough info to definitely say what it is. Sounds like it has been locked down though, and hopefully that will leak for more certainty.

That's actually Shifty's theory lol, I was telling him about it and I'm guessing that's where he got it from.

He seems to have got confused with the reason for having the buffer though, it was to save on HDD wear and tear (since the system would be writing to the HDD constantly when playing games) rather than saving bandwidth (where it would be a pretty insignificant saving)
So 423GB out of the 465GB total capacity of a 500 MarketingGB hard drive , meaning ~42GB of system reserved partition(s).

Although being a dev/prototype kit it could have a greater reservation that will be needed in the consumer model.

Its also pretty likely that the games installed on the HDD as well right?.
Hm, 500 gig is not that much imo for a DD and install all games device.

I have 1TB in my PC dedicated to Steam, Origin, Uplay...after roughly 3-4 years in use: 200gigs left. And I have not even all of my steam games installed...
400-500GB is IMO good for the average gamer, not so much for the passionate gamer.
A PS4 premium model with higher storage capacity for $450-500 + PS Eye could be around the corner anyway.
400-500GB is IMO good for the average gamer, not so much for the passionate gamer.
A PS4 premium model with higher storage capacity for $450-500 + PS Eye could be around the corner anyway.

Hm, I wonder if next gen games increase in needed disc space. The Last of Us needs 25+gig. That is roughly 4 games per 100 gig and only roughly 20 of those in total. Even a non-passionate gamer will fill this up in 2-3 years...and we do not talk about DLC, movies and other multimedia related content that will eat up your disc space.
Why would you never remove games to make space?

As soon as you start removing, you lose at least some of the advantages of download. Now if you ever want to play that again, the barrier of entry becomes downloading 24GB all over again. Assuming my current max speed is actually supported, then for me that's 'only' 1 hour. But for discs there is no difference (assuming all games are as smart as The Last of Us rather than requiring a lengthy harddisk install). Same for bringing a game along to a friend. Disc is more efficient. Portable harddisc could help, but DRM that makes this possible, I don't expect to see anytime soon.

Of course for next gen it is a neat concept (shown by Sony for Killzone, but no doubt coming to other platforms as well) that the single and multiplayer components can be separate downloads. I could play the single player once or twice and delete it, but leave the multiplayer on the HDD etc.

But after having done digital only for about a year, I have some appreciation for discs.

Portable games however ... Don't miss discs/carts at all. My Vita (now 32GB) is filled to the brim with games, and I only own two carts, which I bought at launch (one being free).
If games will be around 25-50GB then I will either have to buy a 10TB HDD or uninstall something because I won't be able to keep my entire PS4 library after 5-7 years on a 500GB/1TB HDD for sure even if I would love to.
If I have to choose between spending more money on HDD or spend more time to uninstall/install games then I chose the latter.
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Realistically I'd never play more than 2 full sized titles at once, and I hardly ever replay games either, so I'd probably be alright with 500gb. But I think I'd upgrade to a TB or more if I could right off the bat. I'd still appreciate not ever having to really delete anything.
Well, Sony said on PS4, you can start playing your game only after a short initial download... so the boon of deleting a game off of the HDD isn't as bad, I imagine. Still, with slower internet speeds, I don't think it'll be as good as they make it out to be.
Remember guys we are talking about the ps4 here. The only way you have the full game installed to dd. If you buy the disc based version you only install part of the game data if it's like the ps3.

the reason I plan to upgraded hdd is just more storage but also performance. Going by test on the ps3 a 1tb hybrid hdd is the way to go.

That sounds about the same as PS3's reservation.

That alot more than ps3. The launch hdd size was 20GB and 60GB.
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Was there any rumor specs for the zlib hardware?
I'm curious if it's going to be a bottleneck for SSD upgrades, today's SSD are 500MB/s.
If you buy the disc based version you only install part of the game data if it's like the ps3.

It's not like the ps3

Cernys Gamasutra interview said:
"So, what we do as the game accesses the Blu-ray disc, is we take any data that was accessed and we put it on the hard drive. And if then if there is idle time, we go ahead and copy the remaining data to the hard drive. And what that means is after an hour or two, the game is on the hard drive...
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