PC Mag on Graphics

Xmas said:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
As for the "simplier shader implementation" :rolleyes: I guess they are trying to say that because ATI only supports the 24 bit standard at good speed and quality, it must be "simpler" than the more complex Nvidia implementation that offers FP16 speed at low quality, or FP32 high quality at low speed.
No, they are not.
That's not a very helpful reply :)

To clarify; R300 supports VS2.0 and PS2.0. nv30 supports VS2.0 Extended and PS2.0 Extended. If you go and look up the specs for those versions, you'll see that PS/VS 2.0 is simpler than 2.0 Extended.

In fact 2.0 Extended is much closer to 3.0, than it is to 2.0.