Personally, I WANT more games to come out aimed at the high-end, because as it is, I can only think of two games
that have come out in the past, oh, five years (?) that were aimed directly at the high-end of PC gaming, those being Unreal, and Morrowind. People complain about how Morrowind runs so slowly, and I love it!
Morrowind blows my mind, and though it bogs on most systems, I have to say that I'm quite pleased with the performance of it.
Granted, I might say this because I'm a spoiled little brat
, but it truly does irritate me how games coming out even now are optimized for cards with less than half the raw capabilities (fillrate, bandwidth, and the like) of what's available now.
And yes, I'm aware that they do that so as to ensure a wider audience, but really - who cares? I would confidently assert that a good 70% or so of gamers have mid-to-high-end systems; the people with the Geforce 2 MXes and Radeon 7000s aren't gamers, they're just average users who happen to game. I really would like to see some numbers on just how much of PC game sales go to these people who 'happen to game'; I'm willing to bet it's a lot smaller than people think.
I suppose it could also have something to do with the fact that I'm tired of having to convince ignorant people that high-end PCs are, on the whole, more capable than consoles.
Just the unsolicited .02 from a not-fully-here lurker.