Overwatch [PC] Blizzard

It was an Overwatch Fail compilation and 80% of the clips were from consoles. Painful to watch, the aiming is so bad. Then I saw this (go to 6:06):

All because he is playing with a horribly crippled input device. Would be a terribly frustrating experience playing with a controller if you've ever played it with a proper kb/m.
It's no problem for me because I play with a mouse. I simply didn't realize how bad it was with a controller.
Yeah, it is a brutal difference between the two control schemes.

When I play on PC it really feels like cheating because of the precision and easiness of aiming. Everyone just dies whenever you point at him :D

I did that with BF and COD and changed from console to PC after a while...my god, the difference is dramatic...I never got called a cheater on console...but on PC it happened regularly. I think the reason is that playing on console trains you completely different than on PC and sharpens many skills...except aim of course, but you learn how to deal with 'not hitting the target'.

Than switching to PC, you instantly get the precision boost+all the other skills...and are now able to give people a really really hard time.

Only exception: on PC Titanfall I could own people even playing with gamepad...smart pistol, lol!
I still play Hanzo, I really like the bow. It is a beast. I could drastically increase my precision by lowering sensitivity down to 15:15!

Best use of ult imo: zoning and keeping the objective free for a couple of secs!
I still play Hanzo, I really like the bow. It is a beast. I could drastically increase my precision by lowering sensitivity down to 15:15!

Best use of ult imo: zoning and keeping the objective free for a couple of secs!
This is actually true of a lot of the offensive ults from what I've seen. High Noon is used that way on a pro level all the time.
Do you guys bother about the medals you get?

I have three characters, Lucio, Junkrat and Soldier where I consistently get 2 gold, up to 4 gold.

Does this mean that these are my strongest characters? Or is it just a useless statistic and one should not care so much about it?

I think that win ratio is a little bit difficult to judge as a statistic, as this strongly depends on the team imo.
I've had terrific matches and earned only bronze and then done pretty poorly and gotten golds. I have no idea how the medals work.

Both D'Va Defense Matrix and Self Destruct received a buff. She was already good against multiple Torbjörns turrets and now she is even better. They also added limit of 1 hero per team to competitive play, making multiple Torbjörns a no-issue. Torbjörn console nerf should now be removed (esp if Ana's sleep arrow works against turrets -- it works against Bastion).

Defense Matrix will now become a deadly weapon in good hands. 1 second cool-down means that it is practically always ready (for short time use). With good reflexes, you can wipe out dragon arrows, gravity bombs and tracer bomb (thrown). Plus it is now much more useful against McCree flashbang, thrown Junkrat mines/traps and Roadhog hook. Just flick it quickly when you see something dangerous coming at your direction. Activation doesn't require much commitment anymore.

I really like the D'Va changes. I am considering switching my main once the patch arrives. But Zarya is great against both D'Va and Zenyatta, and both will be played more. More frequent Self Destructs = more free energy :)

I also like Zenyatta's buffs. More HP was obvious. 2x Transcendence movement speed + 200->300 HP/s makes it a much more useful ability. Allows him to quickly get from the back line to fully heal his team. Faster orbs also suit this play style better.
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Boah! Ana looks extremely strong imo. Negate healing effects with grenade is huge imo and is a counter to a lot of important ults it seems: Lucios and Zenyatta' healing ult.

The nano boost seems OP right from the start :D

CAn't wait to try her out...poor console heros get all updates so late :(
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Why did they nerf the overtime?? This was the most tense part of the matches...now it seems that they do not really want long overtime plays. Why?