Obligatory iPhone 4 Thread...

Yeah but if you're using bluetooth, you're not likely to be holding the phone.

Well I don't know about you or others but like most normal people I have to hold the phone to dial a call while using BT and if I'm receving a call I like to see WHO is calling before I answer and to do that I need to take the phone out of my pocket and look at the number and/or picture.
I'm not saying it's not a design flaw - just that people are being sensational by not pointing this little tidbit out. In fact, now that I know the iphone4 doesn't have BT voice dialing I'm even more disappointed in it.

The only time I use BT is in one of my vehicles (the dorky star trek headsets are just not my thing) and both of my regular drivers have it built in with voice dialing by phonebook or number.

I also imagine you're in England since you're holding and dialing left handed (which, BTW violates all the "no handsets" laws here in the US). In the US with right-side shifters most everyone would dial right handed which wouldn't be affected by the apple design flub.

One last thing...a very thin layer of clear insulator could be sprayed on by apple at their factories and fix the whole thing.
I have a bluetooth speaker and when I dial, I hold the phone in my one hand, cradling the phone on my hand with my thumb on the screen and dialing with the thumb. So never hold the edges and then once the call is dialing I put the phone down.
Here's a quick review by G4's AOTS.

I'll be getting mine in a few days, will probably order it online from ATT though since the local stores will probably be sold out.
ok so how widespread is this reception issue? because i just went to a store to see one and held it in whatever way you should or shouldn't hold it and there was no change whatsoever in signal... What's the fuss all about?
Apple is a high-profile target. So it wouldn't be surprising if this is overblown.

All phones have reception variability with the ways in which they are held. While the iPhone4 may have more variability, it also seems to have better signal strength in general so far in my experience.
I just don't understant how i can see videos of people showing that the signal completely dies when touching the right spot, but when i tried, nothing happened... That's not a design fault then, is it?

EDIT: oh i need to get wet before touching the right spot?? Why would i even get close to an iphone 4 while wet and sweaty??
I just don't understant how i can see videos of people showing that the signal completely dies when touching the right spot, but when i tried, nothing happened... That's not a design fault then, is it?

EDIT: oh i need to get wet before touching the right spot?? Why would i even get close to an iphone 4 while wet and sweaty??

Whats the chances of a huge Apple fan not being wet and sweaty whilst holding their new iPhone? I wouldn't write that off as a factor personally.
EDIT: oh i need to get wet before touching the right spot?? Why would i even get close to an iphone 4 while wet and sweaty??

Because you'd want to be looking at porn on the iPhone's high rez Rectina display?:LOL:

But then you'd only be holding the phone with one hand so it shouldn't be an issue... :p

Anand really has the best review out there by far. I'd recommend a full read for anyone considering an iphone purchase or upgrade.

Having used this phone heavily for 5days now, the highlights are easily the speed, display, iOS4, camera, battery life and aesthetics.

The weakness clearly being the signal loss when holding it in a certain manner and speaker phone.

Going from a iphone 3G to this is a huge jump and certainly worth every penny, so far. My usage is about 10% phones, 10% texting, 30% apps, 50% browsing. I went from not using apps at all on my 3G, due to slow performance, to really digging some of the good ones.
I'm kind of tempted too, though I didn't want to pay $70 + a month for it.

Finding that I haven't been using a lot of 3G data. Then again, with the faster new phone, it will probably be able to consume data faster, especially if I stream Pandora in the background or upload higher-res pics and movies.

So I may or may not be able to get away with $15 data plan instead of the $25 one. Also, I just got a Google Voice number so I could use that for SMS. Too bad they rejected the app, especially now with backgrounding supported. Could save as web app possibly.

I barely use it for browsing. Definitely apps. and games. This is why Google is making Android, if people can avoid their display ads by using apps. to get the same info. they do through Google searches.
The anand article make it sound like smaller 1.4 micron pixels in sensors is better than bigger ones.

And until the windows ui and all the apps scale correctly toward higher resolutions, no thanks. Hell my mom runs 800x600 on a 20 inch 4:3 lcd and could only take it from her dead body.