Surely the news from the Apple thing is that this brush fire just "hopped the fireline" and is now officially alleged by an OEM to be taking out G84-based laptops too even tho Nvidia solemnly told them 8600 wasn't at risk? That's what that sentence means. Seriously, the possibility of "major conflagration" just came into play.
That's not good for Nvidia. . .not good at all. And almost certainly above and beyond the original $200M. And once one OEM bellys up to that bar, it's a near certainly that the others will want to dip their beak as well even if they've already had a taste from the G86 fund.
I wonder what Nvidia is saying internally now? That Apple is trying to pick their pocket just to see if they can since Apple's stock has been under pressure lately? Or "Oh sh*t!".
And, btw, Apple is supposed to be announcing new laptops next week. . . .gee, I wonder who will get the gpu?
Lastly, once you've lost one fireline in this kind of situation, your credibility at drawing the next one is even shakier. . . Damn, I hope I don't find myself saying something nice about the Inq at some point. That would be painful.