Nvidia opened discussions forums ?

I wonder if this will give ATI the idea to start a forum of their own. That would be interesting indeed.
Ratchet said:
I wonder if this will give ATI the idea to start a forum of their own. That would be interesting indeed.
They've said no to that idea several times in the past. :(

I'm curious if'n any nVidia employees will post up there, or be allowed to.
digitalwanderer said:
I'm curious if'n any nVidia employees will post up there, or be allowed to.

I think they will... Just take a look at the legend in the board statistics:

Legend: Blue - Administrator, Green - Moderator, Bold - NVIDIA Employee
EEEEeeeenteresting, thanks I did miss that.

I just found out they have a member picture thingy you can upload as well as allowing avatars and such.

I put me ATi ninja shot up. :)
Daliden said:
...only thing I'm wondering about... what's this "Elite Barstards" then?
nVidia is apparently going for family friendly, their word filter changes "bastard" to "bum" and they disabled the {i}{/i} trick so I just settled for using our site's IP and going with "Barstards".

Besides, it kind of sounds like something I'd say.....don't it? ;)

I HATE when sites filter "bastard"!
digitalwanderer said:
Daliden said:
...only thing I'm wondering about... what's this "Elite Barstards" then?
nVidia is apparently going for family friendly, their word filter changes "bastard" to "bum" and they disabled the {i}{/i} trick so I just settled for using our site's IP and going with "Barstards".

Besides, it kind of sounds like something I'd say.....don't it? ;)

What's so wrong with Elite Bum?
digitalwanderer said:
Sounds more like a T&A site to me. :?

They have those? :oops:

Oh, and on topic: I really doubt an IHV sponsored site will be of much use. I doubt they are willing to tackle problems/bugs head-on like we can do in these completely unbiased forums with people willing to openly share information and help each other come to a better understanding of the hardware and software which we have come to love *violent coughing*
wireframe said:
I doubt they are willing to tackle problems/bugs head-on like we can do in these completely unbiased forums with people willing to openly share information and help each other come to a better understanding of the hardware and software which we have come to love *violent coughing*
As we all gather in a big circle and hug each other celebrating our common interests rather than dwelling on our IHV preferences...
Ratchet said:
I wonder if this will give ATI the idea to start a forum of their own. That would be interesting indeed.
You post just got me thinking, I wonder how this will affect nVnews?

I mean, if ATi opened their own forums do you think it would affect R3D (spit-spit!) ?
I wouldn't see an "official" ATI forum as much of a threat to R3D. I mean, being official they'd have to really crack down on all the anti-ATI comments that people make so it would be much more restrictive. At times it seems as though that's all people post at R3D. I think we'd be seen more as a community place whereas an official ATI forum would be seen more as a corporate entity.

edit: I see nVNews in a more precarious position however. No offense to Mike and the guys, but it seems to me as though they really started cracking down on people with opinions that didn't quite fall on the right side of nVidia. That being said I don't see nVnews as being much more open than the offical nVidia Forum.

I know some people think of us as catering to ATI and doing what they tell us to do, but believe me that couldn't be farther from the truth. ATI only wishes they could control R3D. In fact I'm willing to bet that, because of our unique postition, we're one of the most wary sites out there when it comes to ATI. There are sites that are basically mouthpieces for ATI, but R3D isn't one of them.
Ratchet said:
I wouldn't see an "official" ATI forum as much of a threat to R3D. I mean, being official they'd have to really crack down on all the anti-ATI comments that people make so it would be much more restrictive. At times it seems as though that's all people post at R3D. I think we'd be seen more as a community place whereas an official ATI forum would be seen more as a corporate entity.

edit: I see nVNews in a more precarious position however. No offense to Mike and the guys, but it seems to me as though they really started cracking down on people with opinions that didn't quite fall on the right side of nVidia. That being said I don't see nVnews as being much more open than the offical nVidia Forum.

I know some people think of us as catering to ATI and doing what they tell us to do, but believe me that couldn't be farther from the truth. ATI only wishes they could control R3D. In fact I'm willing to bet that, because of our unique postition, we're one of the most wary sites out there when it comes to ATI. There are sites that are basically mouthpieces for ATI, but R3D isn't one of them.

Well not usually one to talk about site Policy. But I think you'd be surprised. But the situation is quite similar actually.