NVIDIA GF100 & Friends speculation

Good question, I don't know what the maximum size of a UAV is.

16384x16384 is the maximum count of elements for a texture, but if the elements are 128-bit (i.e. 4x 32-bit), then the surface is 4GB :p

Isn't 8192x8129x4bytes ? I think the current limitation of 256mb per buffer of ATI OpenCL comes from there.
Do you have a source/link to confirm/reveal SP, TDP and price?

Price is not a spec of the card is it?
And we know Fermi has 512 cores for how long? The only debate was rumour it would have only 480 enabled. 448 cores for GTX470 was pretty much a given, because Tesla parts have 448. So it would make sence to be next downgrade step.

Really, this is not really new info, except for the price, which is NOT a spec.

What i mean is really that without the clocks you dont know THE final specs. Shader count and TDP are NOT enough to define card specs.

P.S. - LOL, I didnt even notice it was the same guy who posted the info in both forums xD
Like I said:

So if GXT480 performs ~2x my GTX285, but has a TDP <4-500 Watt...I really, really don't care ;)

Since you are bent on buying the fastest single GPU, it may be the case that a 2GB 5870 eyefinity/oc may be faster overall and lower power to boot.
Will be faster in DX9 games which are fast enough even on RV770 but will fail miserably in all DX11 games where performance really matters?

Are you guessing or do you know? So far the only DX11 'game' nV dared to show us was 60 second Unigine clip.

The rest of the leaks were not so promising but of course we can always argue leaks were fake or that AvP and Dirt 2 are not 'real' DX11 titles.

For me Metro is the test for GTX480. If it fails here it's an epic fail in my book.
Well obviously the 480 isn't going to cost $699 as some funky pre-orders wanted to show. I have the very same doubt for TDP values.

There's an official picture for the 480 floating around the net indicating a minimum PSU of 600W/42A for it. Now considering that NV itself recommends for its GTX295 a 680W/46A PSU (minimum) with a 289W TDP, there's something not adding up with the 480 having a hypothetical 295W TDP.

Picture / source?

Can I set the TDP for the 470 at 220W and take it for granted? Now I'd love to read a reasonable point that suggests what the 480 exactly has that justifies a 75W difference in TDP.

Between a GTX280 and a GTX260 192SP there's a smaller difference than between a GTX480 and GTX470, and still the two TDP differ of more than 50W....
These password generation kernels use lots of bitwise operators: left-shift, right-shift, OR, AND and EXCLUSIVE OR, e.g.:

    04 ALU: ADDR(187) CNT(109) KCACHE0(CB0:0-15) 
         39  x: XOR_INT     ____,  R30.y,  R2.y      
             y: XOR_INT     ____,  R30.x,  R2.x      
             z: XOR_INT     T0.z,  R2.y,  R33.y      VEC_120 
             w: XOR_INT     ____,  R2.x,  R33.x      VEC_120 
         40  x: LSHL        T0.x,  PV39.z,  1      
             y: LSHL        T0.y,  PV39.w,  1      
             z: XOR_INT     ____,  PV39.x,  (0x000002A0, 9.416725680e-

Wow , that is such a clever use of the VLIW architecture !
Is this the case in Milyway@Home too ? I know it has amazing performance on ATi hardware too ..
Thinking out loud, it seems Fermi engineers were distracted by LRB and forgot who their true competitor was.