I was doing some napkin math on AD102 being 2.8Ghz since Greymon mentioned RDNA3's frequency: 2.8 (Ghz) * 18432 * 2 = 103,219.2 GFlops/103.2192 Teraflops. 2.58x the Flops over the 3090 Ti by my calcs.
I don’t see how AD102 gets anywhere near 100 TF. H100 is 60 TF @ 700W on the same node with HBM3. If it does though I would bet on going wide not fast. Nvidia knows they’re up against MCM so AD102 could be another >750mm^2 chip like TU102.
This is random speculation but adding two more partitions to each SM would do the trick. 144 SMs x 6 x 32 = 27648 “cores”. 1800 MHz boost clock gets you close to 100 TF. Occupancy would be a challenge unless L1 gets a capacity bump though.