FleX is not a performance improvement , it's a technical upgrade to PhysX just like ApeX before it, basically PhysX worked like this :I am interested in PhysX Flex perfomance improvements.
-At first PhysX provided limited cloth, destruction and particle simulations, then PhysX was enhanced with ApeX, which greatly expanded cloth simulations , introduced turbulence and better fluid simulations , increased the number of particles .. etc. Now FleX will introduce rigid body interactions, enhanced fluid simulations and possibly other features.
Performance improvements will be achieved by using PhysX SDK 3.x , which is heavily multi-threaded, most games have been using SDK 2.8.4 ,which doesn't work well with mutli-cores, however some recent games have opted for the latest SDK versions, like Bioshock Infinite ,Planet Side 2 and Warframe. Unreal Engine 4 will also natively support version 3 .