
aapo said:
Does anyone know what was the big change last summer? Was it just the Xbox deal or was there other big OEM deals, or was it just that the market noticed the R3x0 chips about a year late? :eek:
I don't know what caused the rise, but the stock was up quite a bit before the Xbox 2 deal was announced. The stock was well over a 100% increase in 2003 before the announcement.
3dcgi said:
aapo said:
Does anyone know what was the big change last summer? Was it just the Xbox deal or was there other big OEM deals, or was it just that the market noticed the R3x0 chips about a year late? :eek:
I don't know what caused the rise, but the stock was up quite a bit before the Xbox 2 deal was announced. The stock was well over a 100% increase in 2003 before the announcement.

The announcement that the 5800U was being canned perhaps?
Evildeus said:
PS: Yeah i'm trying to finish my PhD (i need some motivations :oops: ), and find a job.

How about utility of labour > 0? That and detesting one's thesis topic is usually enough motivation...
Marginal Utility you mean? ;) Well, need to find one now. And on my thesis there's much i dislike, but i think more people will dislike mine than people thinking like me :D
Graphs are very tricky, since they are similar to statistics and all.

Take a look.


You must understand that these graphs take into account the price at a day in time, and percentage after that. Only if you had purchased on that day does the graph tell you the whole story. Had someone had a 5 year investment in either company, you can see who would be better off.

I find it sadening how people are so intent on purchasing stock AFTER the company has shown a profit. The true business genuises would have bought Nvidia before fame and glory and sold right before NV25, knowing profitablility from the XBOX will dwindle provoking sale of the stock, and the fact ATI will mimick the Geforce2 and catch up with Nvidia's model. Maybe even predict the limits of die shrinking, and problems it could cause....?
Personally I wouldn't touch either with a 10 foot pole. Too competitive and both companies are too willing to slash profits in order to be faster. Great from me as a consumer, but bad for profit making. I will say ATI is doing a lot better job though in expanding and increasing profit.

An industry to watch is the aerospace industry. The big guys are coming down, and someone is going to need to replace them for capacity....so one will make A LOT of money in the next 10 years in that industry. Southwest has started it, but I do not think they will finish it...

My 2 cents.

Edit: Grammer and a stupid mistake.
Evildeus said:
Marginal Utility you mean? ;) Well, need to find one now. And on my thesis there's much i dislike, but i think more people will dislike mine than people thinking like me :D

A sad indictment of your indifference curve... I also lament the lack of innovative work, so perhaps you're not a lost cause yet. If I see yet another VAR model of an East Asian economy...

Sorry: OT
Nvidia, Based in Santa Clara, California, said its board had approved policies to publish the maximum annual net stock dilution from the use of stock options, eliminate an "evergreen" clause in its equity incentive plan, and reduce the average number of shares granted to new employees. The board also established a policy encouraging stock ownership by officers, Nvidia said.

Nvidia's net income of $74.4 million in its most recently completed fiscal year would have been virtually wiped out had the company counted the cost of stock-based employee compensation, Nvidia has disclosed in regulatory filings.

A recent study by Credit Suisse First Boston, named Nvidia as having one of the highest values of stock options outstanding relative to market capitalization in corporate America. According to the study, first published in Barron's this week, Nvidia's outstanding stock options represented about 10 percent of the company's market value.

Nvidia's shares fell more than 4 percent on Friday amid concerns by analysts that the company might not meet its sales forecasts for the current quarter.
That could explain why NVDA is at a new 52 weeks low today, despite ATYT having so much problems to ramp up production .
aapo said:
Does anyone know what was the big change last summer? Was it just the Xbox deal or was there other big OEM deals, or was it just that the market noticed the R3x0 chips about a year late? :eek:

the ATI shaderdays/Gabes Comment on NVDA, and all the summer emails on ATI running Hl2 much much better thatn NVDA, ex: RV350 was faster and or equal to the 5900/5950 in the bench mark. That the 9600 was well on its way to make the OEMs fall in love with ATI.