NPD March 2010

I get the FF sales (FF being a major reason to get a PS3 for early adopters and longtime PS brand) but what happened to the BC2 PS3 sales? Sure the 360 is a software monster, especially FPS, but nearly 2:1 on a major title? The PS3 even had the exclusive Beta and people talking up its graphics. It would seem the install base should be big enough to support a number of titles and genres at this point, especially major releases like this. It could just be a clustering issue (past data on such is hit and miss where sometimes it seems to hurt certain titles, not affect others) which begs the question: Why did Sony schedule GoWIII for the same month as FF & BC2, especially when they are HW constrained? Could not they slip a month or two to help out their 3rd parties maximize sales??
Dunno, isn't 2:1 normal for multiplatform games? It's 20 million 360s in the US right now and 12 million PS3s. That's 2:1.2 right there.
Top 20:


what the hell happened to Just Cause2?

that's a travesty the game is pure crack
Dunno, isn't 2:1 normal for multiplatform games? It's 20 million 360s in the US right now and 12 million PS3s. That's 2:1.2 right there.

Yes, not to mention there are quite a few PS3 games on the list. Many of us bought multiple games in March time frame. And argh, I am still missing Y3 and Resonance of Fate. >_<
what the hell happened to Just Cause2?

that's a travesty the game is pure crack

Perhaps the excellant PC version made many people buy PC instead of console? OK, probably crack filled optimism there on my part. :p

And March is one of those schizophrenic months for Sony.

On the one hand their software finally dominates the Top 10 and Top 20, especially with regards to the X360. On the other hand Sony shoots themselves in the foot with console shortages in a month that had a lineup as close to a sure thing as you can get in a non-holiday season month.

And while Wii titles might be starting to taper out in the top 20, NDS more than makes up the slack. In the end giving Nintendo overall 9 out of the top 20 titles.

Ah, and Wii went back to around where I expect them to be. Looks like Feb. was just a bit of a bump in the road after all, and I'm still holding to my tenuous prediction that they'll gradually converge, and reach rough equilibrium with the other 2 consoles sometime next year.

I get the FF sales (FF being a major reason to get a PS3 for early adopters and longtime PS brand) but what happened to the BC2 PS3 sales?
It's only a 45k discrepancy below the hardware base proportion. Ten percent. Whoop-de-doodle-doo!

If you insist on an argument, I blame MAG. If you already have one go-to online shooter for the season, chances are you won't need a second one right away. Again, it's only a -10% effect, so we don't need any more than a -10% explanation.
Joshua Luna said:
Sure the 360 is a software monster
Come again?
Lately it is more the PS3 that is a (relative) software monster. I dont know if it's piracy, unreliable 360's failing out, or other causing this.

360 still dominates FPS though.
19.72 360 12.08 PS3, 1.63:1 ratio this month :p Or 2:1.22 or 1:.61
Or 493:302, or 100:61 to be pedantic! Ratios are supposed to be integer quantities; if you're going to use decimals, you may as well reduce the ratio down to a single decimal equivalency (1:n.nnnn where of course the '1:' is redundant and the ratio can be represented as the single decimal figure). Thus the ratio of BF2 sales on XB360 to PS3 is either 100:61 (or round it to 5:3), or 1.63.

And yes, this seems fairly in line with install base. And I agree with Rolf, that MAG will have impacted numbers a a directly competing title.
It's only a 45k discrepancy below the hardware base proportion. Ten percent. Whoop-de-doodle-doo!

Come again?

Proportions, relatives and attach ratio percentage numbers don't mean squat, when there are actual dollars on the other side of the scale.

As far as Battlefield BC2 selling less on the PS3 relatively than most multiplatform games. Seems pretty clear to me. Shooters always do fine on the 360 and PS3 had two high sellers above the Battlefield in the chart, which clearly affect the sales of BC 2.

I don't think having shortages at this stage is such a big deal. Sony might have lost sales during the month, but I don't think those sales are lost forever, atleast not many of them. At the end of the year it probably makes no difference at all.
I dont consider these PS3 to be "hard" shortages either. There seem to have been shipments all along, just not always enough for demand. Where it would cost Sony is Joe Blow walking into Wal Mart and not finding a PS3 that day. But a hardcore gamer could find one, like my brother found one even the harder to get 120 in the last month with a little effort. Or right now for example stock has been nonstop on Amazon for a couple weeks.

There still seems to be some brick and mortar availability problems still though. Who knows. I have even heard some message board theories that Sony is either limiting supply to limit losses, or producing just enough to meet demand to give the appearance of a sold out product, and things like that. It's pretty impossible to keep up with, I just go with the numbers. I also think we're at a stage where some hardware or other is almost constantly under shortage. I remember in year 5 of PS2 it had shortages.
Isn't their a dedicated thread for it :rolleyes:
There's a dedicated thread about a "regenerative acceleration" machine that gives free energy too, so that's not exactly a winning argument.

PS: Given the strong software sales and anecdotes about trouble finding one, I personally do think Sony lost some sales this month. Kinda impossible to know how many, or if these are sales they could gain back later, though.
There's a dedicated thread about a "regenerative acceleration" machine that gives free energy too, so that's not exactly a winning argument.

I know it's a joke, but maybe his point was that there's tons of anecdotal evidence from people (or just CarlB) trying to find a PS3 and failing.
There's a dedicated thread about a "regenerative acceleration" machine that gives free energy too, so that's not exactly a winning argument.

PS: Given the strong software sales and anecdotes about trouble finding one, I personally do think Sony lost some sales this month. Kinda impossible to know how many, or if these are sales they could gain back later, though.

Other facets of the debate aside (such as indeed, how many of the sales will simply be generated later), the shortage problem was, is, and may continue to be real for some time. The thread in question began chronicling the shortages not even at the very beginning of when they apparently started, but I have been keeping track on the side still and even today, we see Best Buy sold out completely, both online and in stores, and other major retailers also depleted of stock. Until the end of March, it was totally barren *everywhere*; at least now, it seems Amazon has been supplied with steady supplies, giving an out to most Internet-savvy shoppers - but I suspect still locking out by default many folk that are simply more comfortable with bricks and mortar... and I lump maybe a lot of parents in this category.

I'm in the DC area btw as well, so not some village somewhere, and my 'radial' searches via store stock indicators spanned Virginia, DC itself, and Maryland. If the situation in my market has been reflective of the situation in others, Sony has definitely had sales at best pushed back, and at worst - I mean there must be a percentage of these folk that will have dropped off or bought an alternative system if they did not otherwise already own one.