For me, it´s almost a PR statement speak about the mindshare of Sony brand or even console sales now comparing them with the situation during last gen. It´s five years now and the changes happen slowly. We already know that, and some of the problems that Sony had (like yen exchange rates) are not its fault... the situation and the "recovering" if the word is right has to be seen from an operational perspective, because that´s just what the corporation can make before next generation.
At the operational level I see Sony is just making good movements, but to consider this you have to reconstruct the image with the new scenario: pretty big push from MS and their on-line service, refreshing take from Nintendo and its Wii and (yes) the change in consumer tastes relating software sales.
It´s pretty obvious that Sony and MS were targeting (just before Kinect) the same buyers and precisely these buyers have decided now to transform the first person shooter into the engine driver of the "hardcore" or traditional, market. And it´s pretty clear that this is related with the starvation of PC as a viable, massive gaming platform (WoW and very few exceptions aside), migration of genres... With that in mind, it´s pretty clear that MS had a big advantage because their brand was fiercely tied with FPS, just because Halo franchise was pioneer in some aspects and on the other hand they did the right move with Gears of War just before other platforms could react.
Why I speak about that? Because the problem Sony is having in USA is more software-related than hardware-related (always before Kinect). You can see NPD numbers from some years and you found that Sony, after entering an acceptable price (300 USD), is selling more or less in pace with previous, no-Kinect XTS numbers.
360 NPD
2007 4,7M
2008 4,8M
2009 4,9M
2009 4,3M
2010 4,3M
OK, this explains why it´s possible for Sony recover the gap between XTS and PS3 WW, because it´s worth remind that last term financial results spoke of a gap of 2,9M in favour of MS console, and last quarter (with new 360 hardware and the worldwide release of Reach) the gap decreased about 500k units.
So, the analysis I believe that has to be focused in how MS has started eating the marketshare from Wii (that has dominated the casual market for some years), being Sony more or less in-line with their previous stategy and results.
That´s the reason why I think Sony isn´t really so compromised. Their previous target is still buying consoles at a rate equal to last year´s numbers, and they now are being profitable, their new control is selling well worldwide, and their game exclusive offering is strong and, more important, in line with previous strategy that, not being spectacular in results, is still solid (NPD numbers from MS during 2007-2009 period I think that are solid enough).
The question is, Kinect itself is going to "steal" core consumers from Sony? Or perhaps from Wii? Because the important thing for Sony this gen at the operational level is building roots in what they have done well (software popular and acclaimed, in general) because the WRONG (in capital letter) decision of entering market five years ago, and the strategical decision that leaded to a 600 initial price, is hurting them really hard.
From my perspective is not absurd to think that a new price (250 USD is pretty obvious) and the SW lineup for 2011 will lead to improve their current NPD numbers (4,3M), and that, not being spectacular, show some recovering and let them survive and even grow.
MS numbers are going to explode, that´s obvious, but the target Sony has chosen is still strong, so I don´t see why they have to be in panic mode and shooting at their brains now.
And that, again, is just relating NPD numbers. In UE the situation is clearly different. Not "the opposite" but the Sony brand is still strong and even Move has outsold Kinect in some countries.