Now THIS is how you market a DLC to gamers born in the 80's

You could have said the same thing about N.O.L.F., but it was just as good in the second game as the first. The third one was still good but not as good, mostly because of a new protagonist.

The third one ?
you mean contract jack I though it was like nolf 2 with all the good bits removed

Yup, Contract Jack. I still enjoyed it, but it wasn't nearly as good as the original 2 games. I wish they would have continued the series with the female protagonist. Fantastic series mixing camp with good FPS gameplay.

Where the FC3 expansion pays homage to the 80's, N.O.L.F paid homage to the 60's spy thriller. So pretty similar in a way.

I might pick up the FC3 expansion when my addiction to Primal Defender's wanes. I still haven't finished the original FC3, though. :p I should try to finish it, but I find I'm pretty apathetic about FC3 now. I'd much rather play Warframe if I want to play an FPS. And that has pretty much no plot, no open world, no storyline. Just pure fun addictive shooter mechanics with sometimes endless waves of enemies. Kinda reminds me of Doom, only set in space...with alien ninjas and cyborgs. :p

And after playing this game I have a new favorite saying:

"If guns make me safe, bigger guns make me safer"