Wii doesn't upscale shit. It's 480i/480p or nothing.
EDIT: Holy cray off topic.
I don't think PS3 and X360 scale any better though, because the source image of most flash videos is so bad to begin with....
joker454, same response as her, and it's a pity you left console gaming for good. I wanted to return to PC Gaming and even bought a decent laptop which allows me to play games too, but I can't manage to find myself not playing a neat and nice console when gaming. I tried, I certainly did, once more, but PCs aren't my thing when it comes to games.
If it kept happening, then yeah, but not after one time. Flukes happen sometimes.
On a different note, after the news this is likely to happen once again.
This is a video of a girl smashing her boyfriend's Xbox 360, because he doesn't pay attention to her. Fun :smile::
My intuition tells me this, if the girl has the same grace and sparkle with her boyfriend than she does smashing the 360, like him I would also pass 10 hours with the console. X-D