No Man's Sky [PC]

Performance fix, apparently gsync is enabled by default on the settings and it helps smooth out performance to turn it off.
This seems to have worked well. My wife bought it last night and despite some early issues that were mainly due to a weird interface design and having to hold down controller buttons to do things (even in the graphics settings???), it ran quite well but still a bit jerky. Turning this Gsync to false and setting max to 60 has certainly helped.
This game looks dumb as hell. Also seems like it would get very boring after about an hour given the nature of a procedural world. Procedural is okay for some stuff but not for everything.

That said I like the premise so I'd pay $9.99 for it. Depending on how they patch it up in the coming months I might even stretch my budget to $10, or even $10.01. We shall see.
The lack of meaningful multiplayer and world persistence as gameplay elements are probably the biggest missing pieces for me. Procedural worlds are just fine for Minecraft because that system generates a canvas as a starting point while the bulk of the gameplay revolves around survival from reshaping the environment. When you travel away from the area that you've spent time domesticating, there's a palpable sense that you're leaving something you're personally attached to. In No Man's Sky when you travel you don't get that same sense because the environment that you were at is not appreciably different from what it was when you got there, nor the next one that's about to be generated for you. Furthermore, because you've built very little attachment to it, there's very little motivation to want to return to it, so the gameplay seems to feel much more linear/directed. My big question for this game is whether the systems it's using are able to accommodate those sorts of data-heavy and network-intensive features for future expansion of gameplay, mods, etc.
This game looks dumb as hell. Also seems like it would get very boring after about an hour given the nature of a procedural world. Procedural is okay for some stuff but not for everything.
The game definitely isn't procedurally generating everything; you see a lot of the same design assets in the same configuration all over the place, like camps, based and places of interest.

Ironically these would benefit from some randomisation! I'm still enjoying it but haven't put that many hours in (I'm still on my first ship) but there is s lot of design clumsiness that in surprised wasn't fixed before launch. Technical issues aside, I don't think it was ready for launch.
I've found that planets within star systems don't vary too much, but planets from different star systems do. Actually, while I've been frustrated for the first few hours i'm finding that the more i play the game the more i like it and the more i want to keep playing. The game definitely needs a planetary/star system map with a way for you to track what is where and put pointers.
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I've found that planets within star systems don't vary too much, but planets from different star systems do. Actually, while I've been frustrated for the first few hours i'm finding that the more i play the game the more i like it and the more i want to keep playing.

I'm still in my spawn system but I am also liking the game more as I play but that is almost entirely due to the lack of tutorial and having to work out everything. In Minecraft that was fun but NMS's UI is simply bad.

If the scanner was explained then I missed it with whatever else was happening on screen and I only discovered that I even had a scanner (I assumed it was one of the technologies I would need to develop) when I decided to remap sprint to L3 which is, of course, the default for scanner. For the hour before that I was finding resources by exploring and eyeballing them. As others have said the lack of waypoints and planetary maps is bewildering. They are usually several places to trade on a planet but trying to find the camp with access to the galactic trade network is a pain in the arse and it's quicker to spend the 90 seconds it takes to go into orbit fly to the station and sell. Also a good time to get fuel from asteroids.

My spawn planet and the adjacent planet were pretty uninspiring. Dark red/crimson rock with little fauna and little light. Actually both were kind of depressing places and I didn't really feel like I wanted to explore but I pushed myself. I've now found a planet in my system with is much nicer and I'm actually enjoying exploring. Money seems pretty easy to make as the nice planet has massive nuggets of gold (200-300 units a pop) right on the surface and they're everywhere. I've got a fairly decent multitool that looks like a Halo rifle, got about 15 slots on my exosuit but I'm struggling with my 17 slot ship so I need to find and repair more of those. My understanding is you only generally find crashed ships with 1 extra slot size than the ship you have so I guess I'll be going through a lot of ships unless I make so much money so quickly I cave in buy one of the 24 slotters I see fairly regularly for about 1.3 million.
Yeesh, why is Gysnc enabled by default? Why is Gsync even being controlled by the app? And even more, why is Gsync tanking people's framerates?

It's possible it's some internal sync flag that they called gsync which actually has nothing to do with Nvidia G-Sync.
I've heard it wont run on a cpu that doesnt support sse 4.1
- SSE 4.1
- 64 bit OS
- OpenGL 4.5 compatible GPU & driver

Core 2 Duo & Quad are out, and so is AMD Phenom (dual & quad & 6 core). Those unlucky ones who got 32 bit Windows 7, 8 or 10 preinstalled are also out. All Intel GPUs are out (Intel only supports OpenGL 4.4), and so are Radeon 5000 and 6000 series GPUs.

This is a great example why most cross platform game developers still haven't moved to AVX on PC. So many customers are still playing with old CPUs. Intel is still selling new CPUs without AVX. Skylake Celeron and Pentium chips have their AVX units disabled. Same story for TSX. Only i5 and i7 support it.

It is too bad that PC games must still be compiled to SSSE3 target, while console version supports AVX. Similarly console GPU feature sets cannot yet be fully used on PC, as new APIs such as OpenGL 4.5, DX12 and Vulkan have still too limited GPU support. Intel doesn't have OpenGL 4.5 or Vulkan drivers and DirectX 12 requires Windows 10. You practically can't release a game that requires one of these APIs. You need to also support an older API, increasing the maintenance and development cost, and forcing you to design you graphics engine in old fashioned way (no multidraw, no bindless, etc).
It doesn't require SSE 4.1 anymore if you count the experimental patch. Only SSSE 3 is required(for havok, the game only needs SSE 2 now), which actually doesn't change much. Phenom II still wont work.
Is there any advantage going with OpenGL over Vulkan?

OT: After many hours of play i finally encountered one desert type planet, looks quite lovely :)

One more from this hell of a planet, it's amazing how much time you can spend on just one planet alone in this game.


I just wish they had a button dedicated to hiding the HUD, going into the settings to turn it off gets annoying very fast :|