Looks like Panic Button continues to perfect their craft with porting games to Switch. The framerate in W2 looks very stable so far even in this prerelease build. Compromises seems similar to Doom, framerate dropped to 30fps (but seems more consistent than Doom was prior to patch), resolution dropped to 720p, and texture quality sees a similar reduction. ID Tech 6 just seems to play nice with the Tegra hardware. The overall look of the game is retained, and while the compromises are easy to identigy when you put it side by side with the PS4 build, its darn impressive what they have been able to do with a stock Tegra X1 processor. On paper, that meager 25GB/s of memory bandwidth seemed crazy low, and it is, but it hasn't been an insurmountable limitation. I would be interested to know just how much ID Tech 6 leverages half precision shaders, I am too this day curious to know just how beneficial that feature has been games on Switch that utilize them.
Panic Button has continued to tune Rocket League on Switch. The latest patch significantly increased resolution in both docked and portable mode. I have had Rocket League on Switch since the game released, and I must say, it was not a very attractive game. In portable mode, the game looked like a good Wii game really. Resolution was low and with no real AA solution it was a jaggy mess. Docked was much better, but still a huge visual downgrade from playing with my nephew on his Xbox One. The recent patch really cleaned up the game a ton. The boost to 900p in docked makes the jaggys much less noticeable, and the textures all seem cleaner now. Performance is even more stable than before, so all this has come from uncompromising optimization.
Then we have news that Ark Survival Evolved was coming to Switch, and the developers comments will probably shock a lot of people.
Switch is not as powerful as a PS4 or Xbox One. Everyone knows that. Having said that, the difference isn't as big as the general perception would have you believe, "comments Ralph Egas to GamesIndustry.Biz. "In some locations you need to downsize a bit on the distance you're able to view," he adds. "But not as much as you'd think compared with Xbox One and PS4. Obviously, in terms of Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, that's a different story. But compared with the base platforms, Switch is not that bad.