I think those are gross oversimplifications and don't really answer my question, quite frankly. You could argue that any game could run at any system ever released. Developers could change entire rendering pipelines and/or use completely different engines (or move to 2D, if need be), and this has been done before. We've seen multiplatform games get ported to PS2/PSP/Wii/mobile etc. that barely resembled the original game, they only shared the name and not much else.
I was curious if it was technically possible for Switch to run the same game, on the same engine in a playable, presentable state. Not if it was financially feasible or if developers would do it. It's interesting because the 60fps games that had to have their framerates halved still saw a significant reduction in image quality. Assuming Switch is only slightly worse than XB1/PS4 on the CPU side, and the major bottleneck seems to be on the GPU front, just how much visual fidelity they would have to compromise to get them running. For example, could Doom on the Switch at 60fps would've been possible?
Can't really answer that.
Can't even go with same engine. Fifa on Switch uses a completely different engine from Fifa on PS4/XBO and yet the gameplay is exactly the same.