Why would they? the n64 and GC only showed that nintendo wont be the first choice if it comes to powerfull consoles. So why build another one? why do you think they build the wii? because if they just released another power focused console that would end up the same as n64 and gc.
Why would nintendo drop the good selling wii on wich they make alot of money and release a console wich will be at the same price as the competition at best, wont have such a gigantic differance in gfx and maybe most important of all, has no game libary at all. You might have the edge in gfx, but nobody's going to buy a console with only slightly better gfx and no game libary in comparison to the x360 and ps3 that will have big libaries by then.
Why would nintendo drop the good selling wii on wich they make alot of money and release a console wich will be at the same price as the competition at best, wont have such a gigantic differance in gfx and maybe most important of all, has no game libary at all. You might have the edge in gfx, but nobody's going to buy a console with only slightly better gfx and no game libary in comparison to the x360 and ps3 that will have big libaries by then.