Nintendo's digital revenue is up to 250 million dollars. For a company that has all but neglected digital in the past, this is a respectable number. I think this will only continue to grow as well. They recently released 3 Wii games on the eshop, Mario Galaxy 2, Punch Out, and Metroid Prime Trilogy, they were $10 each for their first week on sale. This could be easy revenue for Nintendo to cash in on, the Wii U architecture makes moving Wii and GC games to Wii U a snap. If they were to get in the habit of new releases every couple of weeks, they could easily bring in millions of dollars in profit, with very little cost involved. There aren't a ton of bonuses by sticking with the PowerPC CPU for so long, but 100% backwards compatibility of all the GC and Wii games is easy cash that should not be left on the table. Not to mention there are a lot of games that would sell rather well. Games like The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandoras Tower could all see success on the eshop. Of how about Wave Race Blue Storm and 1080 Avalanche from GC? Lots of untapped potential, and recent financials show that while they are treading water, they could be doing a lot better, even within their current devices.