Nintendo Conference

That assumption is yes.

Look, if nintendo proves me wrong, I'll eat crow in the most beneficial way for Nintendo, by buying their product. In the meantime, from what I've seen, this hardly appears to be a technical powerhouse.
Confirmed 3rd party games:
Engadget said:
Batman: Arkham City, an Assassin's Creed game, Dirt, Ghost Recon Online, Tekken, Metro Last Light, Aliens Colonial Marines, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, and Darksiders II all got a mention as coming to the Wii U.

Regarding the resolution, it seems 1080p may be "a must":
Engadget said:
Speaking of HD, the fact sheet from Nintendo informs us that the Wii U can pump out 1080p video over HDMI.

Another new thing is that storage capacity can be increased via either an SD card or a regular USB hard drive, which sounds really nice:
Engadget said:
There'll be "internal flash memory" of unspecified quantity, which will be expandable via either an SD card or external USB HDD.
There are 4 USB ports too.

Also confirmed is an IBM CPU. Hardware details should be coming out shortly, I think, as journalists make their way to individual interviews with some higher-ups.
Nintendo not releasing specs is expected. They take the same tack as Apple, specs are irrelevant only the overall experience matters.

Of course they could have given us more than they did, and they did not really show any game footage per se.

We knew the GameCube's specs and the N64 and the SNES and.......
man that controller is god awful.

I have used a black berry playbook alot and the controller looks a little bigger than that , i can't see it comfterable to use when playing an fps or other games.

I really don't know what nintendo is thinking. This is the first nintendo system I don't want at launch and mabye ever at this point.
It's small, but a 2012 launch would make mass production on 28 and/or 32 nm possible (likely?) so the size of the current 360 cooling wouldn't necessarily mean Nintendo couldn't beat it in something smaller.

If MS or Sony chose to launch with something bleeding edge and big and hot in 2013 nothing Nintendo could do now would be able to touch it, so there's no point in trying. If WiiU can easily handle improved ports of PS360 games then that'll have to do.

[Edit]Okay, so Engadget say it's 45nm...[/QUOTE]
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Watching the GT Reggie interview now and theres a couple of bits of new info.

Most notably single touch panel only, also it is only designed for use in the same room as the base unit.
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So, basically lots of ps360 games are coming over to WiiU ( wee -u ....view!) ! So, a gamer buying a nintendo console this time won't feel like he got left out while the world was having fun ! Even Ken Levine was in the video, so we cN guess some kindof Bioshock too. Good to hear all that ! Wonder is Sony n MS can stand the heat from Nintendo nkw that it has got all the gamez too ! ;)
So, basically lots of ps360 games are coming over to WiiU ( wee -u ....view!) ! So, a gamer buying a nintendo console this time won't feel like he got left out while the world was having fun ! Even Ken Levine was in the video, so we cN guess some kindof Bioshock too. Good to hear all that ! Wonder is Sony n MS can stand the heat from Nintendo nkw that it has got all the gamez too ! ;)

Nope, nothing of the sort. Click the fish video(the second one).
Can't say I'm sold on the controller

I hope the online will be free(and good of course)...Free online means alot to me if I get a new console(ain't paying for Live now)
There was an entire demo reel of games that are on PS360 this year and next year...
Look, if nintendo proves me wrong, I'll eat crow in the most beneficial way for Nintendo, by buying their product. In the meantime, from what I've seen, this hardly appears to be a technical powerhouse.

Fantastic, still a silly assumption though.
It's small, but a 2012 launch would make mass production on 28 and/or 32 nm possible (likely?) so the size of the current 360 cooling wouldn't necessarily mean Nintendo couldn't beat it in something smaller.

If MS or Sony chose to launch with something bleeding edge and big and hot in 2013 nothing Nintendo could do now would be able to touch it, so there's no point in trying. If WiiU can easily handle improved ports of PS360 games then that'll have to do.

[Edit]Okay, so Engadget say it's 45nm...

It would have to be 45nm currently, though that doesn't mean it'll be 45nm on release. The system might not even fit in that casing yet.