No I was talking about 1024x768 - It stutered quite a bit. OK, that's a much higher resulution than the PS2 but like LondonBoy said, the video card cost nearly twice as much as the PS2! over 20Gb/s of bandwidth to 128Mb RAM. And it still didn't look anywhere near as good as GT3 - lowish polly models and of course the art direction couldn't touch GT3.
I have a 36" widescreen TV and it makes a lot of PS2 games look really bad, so that's why maybe i've been overly critical of PS2 games, however GT3
and Burnout2 look fantastic. Oh and it means I hate games that don't have widescreen support. On a side note, just read the review of SSX3 in Official PS2 mag and it says it doesn't have widescreen support, anyone know if this is true? just a bit strange as tricky did