Next gen shoot ´em up for 360?


The developer behind Broderdown is making a game for 360, they have not decided yet what kind of game, maybe a next gen shooter. Could be pretty sweet...

Here is the source..
11.08.05 - Grev (Border down) communicates that one did not decide yet, what for a play one for the Xbox 360 will manufacture. According to own data one plans to make an announcement for this in September 2005, which will probably happen on the Tokyo Game Show.

and here is a pic of Borderdown:
happy happy joy joy! i love overhead/side shooters! long live 2d. i loved jade empire just for the arcade shooter scenes...
Its going to be interesting what they do with these type of games. How will they utilize the power upgrade they've got with the 360? Usually these type of games don't really hone the potential power that consoles posses. I want a crazy looking, graphically amazing shoot'em up.
I wouldn't expect much for a Live Arcade game... maybe if it were retail, they could go a little nuts with some 3d models and other snazzy effects.