groper said:But AFAIK parallax map is a kind of displacement map.![]()
that's a pretty long stretch.It's rather a bump (normalmap) with some self-occlusion (creating a little more sense of relief).
groper said:But AFAIK parallax map is a kind of displacement map.![]()
It supports those framebuffer formats, yes. But that, and supporting HDR effects in those modes easily or at all, are two different things - you need more than just FB format support. I've only ever seen HDR on X360 discussed in terms of FP10 to date - and one would wonder why it is there at all if FP16 or higher was supported, since the eDram would minimise the classic expense of those modes (bandwidth).
Qroach said:titanio,
Don't make assumptions. have you looked to see if that is the case?
Hardknock said:What is that about real-time ray tracing??
_phil_ said:that's a pretty long stretch.It's rather a bump (normalmap) with some self-occlusion (creating a little more sense of relief).
Joe DeFuria said:It says nothing of the sort.
Hardknock said:Well I see Ray Tracing acceleration right underneath Physical Simulation - GPGPU.
What does that represent?
Where's FP16?
Fixed point is not floating point. It's an integer-based "hack" to avoid using floating point, with all the consequences that has for range and quality etc.
Hardknock said:What is that about real-time ray tracing??
Qroach said:They slides are listing "special features/functionaluty" of the xenos GPU. FP 16 is supported as a standard feature in most ATI products already.
Qroach said:It's nice to have the options to trade off quality versus speed.
Hardknock said:It says Ray Tracing "acceleration" though. Why would they need acceleration of Ray Tracing if it couldn't perform Ray Tracing in real-time in the first place?
groper said:Actually this is not "a little more sence a relief" than normalM can do but a huge more sence of relief which make the 3D sence of walls , stone roads etc very imprecive.
I dont know what the heck technics Rare does use for PDO and Kameo but this is the first serious PM i can see in a game.
Especially if we compare it with slight , rather unimpresive , PM to Splinter Cell and the 50% failure of PM in FEAR (for bullet holes on wall) .
Titanio said:Including FP10 is an expense - more logic - why include it if full FP16 support is there? The eDram would take care of the biggest HDR-related expense at FP16.
ninelven said:Relative to what is the question. It was my impression that fp10 took less physical space than fp16 when dealing with the 10MB of edram.
Titanio said:so I'm not sure why they'd go to the trouble of FP10 here for space concerns if tiling was already being taken for granted.
B3D Xenos Article said:There is going to be an increase in cost here as the resultant data of some objects in the command queue may intersect multiple tiles, in which case the geometry will be processed for each tile (note that once it is transformed and setup the pixels that fall outside of the current rendering tile can be clipped and no further processing is required), however with the very large size of the tiles this will, for the most part, reduce the number of commands that span multiple tiles and need to be processed more than once. Bear in mind that going from one FSAA depth to the next one up in the same resolution shouldn't affect Xenos too much in terms of sample processing as the ROP's and bandwidth are designed to operate with 4x FSAA all the time, so there is no extra cost in terms of sub sample read / write / blends, although there is a small cost in the shaders where extra colour samples will need to be calculated for pixels that cover geometry edges. So in terms of supporting FSAA the developers really only need to care about whether they wish to utilise this tiling solution or not when deciding what depth of FSAA to use (with consideration to the depth of the buffers they require as well). ATI have been quoted as suggesting that 720p resolutions with 4x FSAA, which would require three tiles, has about 95% of the performance of 2x FSAA.
It supports other FP formats, but FP10 is the only one that has full functionality (it's not just performance differences).Titanoi said:I don't think it was ever clarified what HDR precisions, beyond FP10, Xenos supports.
Fafalada said:It supports other FP formats, but FP10 is the only one that has full functionality (it's not just performance differences).
Of course that's not something you'd exactly want to advertise - suffice to say FP10 is the format you're supposed to be using.