Fudzilla is everything but reliable and often don't understand what they are writing, worse than Charlie.
I mean more efficient? Trinity will use the same architecture as Cayman, VLIW4/ Northern Island.
kurt are Southern Island, they can work together I guess yes but far from ideal. I don't expect the final product to ship with GPU of different architecture.
Even for development it would make omre sense to have llano+ southern island based GPU.
So I'm not sure about "dev kits have to have, etc." statement.
The second is proof of nothing, iuts basically a lot of BS, the same apply to the "original" source (gaming bolt to ET) with a lot of wishful thinking /bs from the authors based on a few pretty generic quotes.
Just an example there are no quote for the 4K/300fps bs just the authors assertions, and so on.
Then there is anandtech way more serious but too bad they don't (neither AMD slides by the way) give precise target for the release of their 2013 product. Kaveri is "2013" that's all that can be said from that.
Wishful thinking and selective reading are bad friends
and that's true whether or not Sony use GCN based GPUs.