New TimeShift (Xbox 360) screens


ihamoitc2005 said:
I do not mind no-AA type screen but I like very high detail and even eye-lash makes shadows on ladys face. Very nice.

Sorry my friends I make a mistake by not seeing full-resolution view of images so now I see they have AA.
This is prerendered stuff. No current hardware has such AA and texture filtering, even with 4x supersampling turned on.
that's not realtime is it? best graphics I've ever seen if it is. WOW :oops:

Laa-Yosh is right though I think, all games have some jaggies somewhere, even the GOW cut-scene that everyone drooled over and called CG had jaggies if you looked reallly really hard. This is just perfect, can't be real.
scooby_dooby said:
that's not realtime is it? best graphics I've ever seen if it is. WOW :oops:

Laa-Yosh is right though I think, all games have some jaggies somewhere, even the GOW cut-scene that everyone drooled over and called CG had jaggies if you looked reallly really hard. This is just perfect, can't be real.

There's a real-time 720p trailer on the same webpage. You can spot some *ahem* differences. :)
Multi-platform Game

No where on that site does it say these/those are Xbox 360 screens!?!

It actually has the game listed under multi-platform!!

Meaning these shots could have easily been taken from a high-end PC or PS3 dev-kit.

Atari sends along 4 screenshots of the characters as well as some info to go along with them. They look pretty sweet, then again it may be just from cutscenes. Click read more for the screens and character info.
Seeing as how the shots are 1600x720, I doubt they are from the 360 version. But as for the quality of AA and AF, I don't see anything outlandish about either.
Nerve-Damage said:
No where on that site does it say these/those are Xbox 360 screens!?!

It actually has the game listed under multi-platform!!

Meaning these shots could have easily been taken from a high-end PC or PS3 dev-kit.

check the homepage under latest media "XBOX 360 timeshift"

trailer takes a gigantic step down in quality though.
scooby_dooby said:
check the homepage under latest media "XBOX 360 timeshift"

trailer takes a gigantic step down in quality though.

Scooby_dooby I'm not saying the trailer isnt Xbox 360 version, which by the way was posted December 15 2005. This definitely tells me these pics are from a high-end PC running at a cleaner resolution with higher AA & AF settings, especially compared too the video footage posted a month ago for the Xbox 360.

Night & Day...IMO
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Nerve-Damage said:
Scooby_dooby I'm not saying the trailer isnt Xbox 360 version, which by the way was posted December 15 2005. This definitely tells me these pics are from a high-end PC running at a cleaner resolution with higher AA & AF settings, especially compared too the video footage posted a month ago for the Xbox 360.

Night & Day...IMO

On the home page, under LATEST MEDIA the 4 pics are labelled as XBOX 360. Not the trailer...

You can email them for clarification if you like, but they ARE labelled as 360 pics nonetheless.
Atari sends along 4 screenshots of the characters as well as some info to go along with them. They look pretty sweet, then again it may be just from cutscenes. Click read more for the screens and character info.
lol :/
hm... played a bit at the nVidia booth. I just wasn't used to controlling time, but it seemed okay.

kyleb said:
Seeing as how the shots are 1600x720, I doubt they are from the 360 version. But as for the quality of AA and AF, I don't see anything outlandish about either.

It's a little difficult to really say that based on screenshot resolution since screenshots for top Xbox/PS2 games are usually taken at some ridiculously high resolution.

Anyway, the cleava-... the screenshots look prerendered.
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Sure, I mean I doubt they are real 360 screenshots as in the way the game will look when we actually play it on the 360. But if they were ofline renders I'd figure they would have better AA.
(to the 3rd pic)...damn'it!!! Pan down, pan down! ...before she changes pose. Damn you, camera man, damn you!

Also, nice pics!