New sound card & speakers time, advice appreciated.

martrox said:
DW, I got a set of Logitech z5300 5.1 THX, and, for the money, they are excellent. While a small bit over your budget, they can be had shipped from Amazon for $139.44. And with an Audigy 2.....impressive!
Man, that's more like what I was hoping to get away with spending on a card and speakers...I am CHEAP! (<--Not by choice, I just have to live with me wife and I prefer to do it in peace. :rolleyes: )
Satellites speakers with separate midrange and tweeter drivers usually produce better mid and high frequency detail than full range drivers. Per/channel/speaker, they usually cost more too.
Hey DW I have to live with my wife too :). But then we don't have the chilluns yet. Although we are just poor folk still :).
Sxotty said:
Hey DW I have to live with my wife too :). But then we don't have the chilluns yet. Although we are just poor folk still :).
With chilluns comes the even more poor, or at least a re-arrangement in your spending priorities. The only reason I MIGHT be able to pull this off is that my son's speakers are starting to crap out on his PC and I can write some of it off passing down my CA 4.1 set-up to him. (I might say it's a shitty CA 4.1 set-up, but it's a lot better than the two speakers he has. ;) )
digitalwanderer said:
There's an Audigy3? Or are you funning me? :|
:) PCI-E version. Interesting encode/decode/stream capabilities. Not quite available yet.

No, no...I really meant that as just a statement-o-fact rather than any digs against audioheads. I just happen to play me games/music/movies rather softly since I tend to play mostly when everyone else in the house is asleep. I just included that along with the golden ear comment to try and explain my perspective better for the equipment I'm looking for.
:) It's a tough road to hoe on the PC loudspeaker front. If you're not Klipsch inclined (horns & heretical switching PS), the AL, Logitech, & Yamaha YST systems recommended are very good. You'll appreciate a system with decent high/mid drivers in the satellites.
I just ordered the Audigy2 OEM off NewEgg for $74.50 shipped and the ADA885's and an extry network cable from for $100.93 shipped.

Happy-happy, joy-joy! Thanks again for all the help, it's very much appreciated as I feel like I'm getting exactly what I was looking for and at decent-to-insane-bargain prices. :)

I'll dig this thread back up when the stuff comes to let you know how it turned out.
In that case I'll make some noise in the meantime.

Does anyone know anything about, or preferrably have experience of, the Terratec DMX 6Fire card(s)? I have heard it's good, but that's about it.
I don't mind the noise at all, I highly recomend this crowd for people to seek sound advice on! 8)

One thing, if someone suddenly pops up with a soundcard/speakers that are better/cheaper than the ones I ordered I fear a small vein in my head might pop. :rolleyes:

On the downside, I had JUST gotten both of my kids down for a nap; on the upside my Audigy2 arrived 3 days early. 8)

Going for an install now, WOO-HOO!!!!! :D
The ADA885s just got here and I unpacked 'em and all I can say is OH MY FREAKING GODS THESE THINGS ARE HUGE!!!!

Seriously, the bass kicker is almost as big as my PC! :oops:

In other words, thanks again for the great advice Snipe. I'm really looking forward to hooking these puppies up and seeing what they can do. (I'm also a little scared that I might have went overboard, but in a good way. ;) )
You like Digi? How is the sound setup?

Its been a good day for me to. My referbed 9800SE from new egg came in. Its at core 380 and mem at 680. The software mod worked so its a 9800 pro for $120 and it had all the cables and games too.
Good overclocker too now at 420/710
{Sniping}Waste said:
You like Digi? How is the sound setup?
Very, VERY like! It's quite "kicking", as they young 'uns would say. 8)

I can't believe the freaking clarity on 'em, from whisper to scream it's all bloody clear!

I'm still just using the analog out too, I still haven't figured out how to hook up the digital out. :oops:

Just mucking about for now, I think I'm gonna install my new mobo in a few minutes and just see how it works without a full OS re-install. :) (I'm planning and ready to to a full re-install, I just kind of want to see if I can get away with doing it without one. ;) )

Thanks again Snipe! It's a far, FAR better sound system than I was hoping I could get and I've fallen head over heels in love with it. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
{Sniping}Waste said:
You like Digi? How is the sound setup?
Very, VERY like! It's quite "kicking", as they young 'uns would say. 8)

I can't believe the freaking clarity on 'em, from whisper to scream it's all bloody clear!

I'm still just using the analog out too, I still haven't figured out how to hook up the digital out. :oops:

Just mucking about for now, I think I'm gonna install my new mobo in a few minutes and just see how it works without a full OS re-install. :) (I'm planning and ready to to a full re-install, I just kind of want to see if I can get away with doing it without one. ;) )

Thanks again Snipe! It's a far, FAR better sound system than I was hoping I could get and I've fallen head over heels in love with it. 8)

It should be better clarity with digital out. There should be a adapter that came with your sound card. Look up the manal to see which plug is the Digital out and use the adapter and a one RCA coax cable like the one that most video cards come with.
{Sniping}Waste said:
It should be better clarity with digital out. There should be a adapter that came with your sound card. Look up the manal to see which plug is the Digital out and use the adapter and a one RCA coax cable like the one that most video cards come with.
Ah, the wonders of saving a few bucks and buying OEM/ manual. :rolleyes:

I did look it up at creative and think I know what you're talking about. I got the y-splitter to rca for the speakers, now I just gotta dig out the y-splitter for the soundcard and figure out which RCA plugs to connect? :|

On an even happier note, I had such a crappy day that after I put the kids to sleep I pulled out me new mobo and told me wife "Me and Justin are splitting this one for our birthday; I get this one, he gets mine." and she just burst into giggles at me defensiveness. :LOL: (I hadn't told her about the mobo yet, although she had found out about the speakers me daughter gave me today and approve highly of 'em too! :D )

I need to relax and unwind, I just took the cooler of the NF7's northbridge and did a better job of pasting it back on and think I'm ready to take the plunge and swap mobos. :)