new psn game stardust HD=1080p+10,000obj+phy+collision @60fps


IGN: Was there anything particular about the PS3 that you could utilize greatly in the game?

Tikkanen: We are pushing the hardware more that any other PSN-game we are aware of. For example the physics, collisions and particle effects run natively on Cell. We control the graphics at the lowest available level for maximum efficiency.

We are able to get over 10,000 active objects with physics and collisions and over 75,000 particles simulated and drawn @60fps. That said, we were unable to use all the available processing power from Cell for this game, so for the next game there are still plenty of reserves left

Sounds like this game shows quite a bit of the power off for PS3 especally with active objects and collisions. I belive the amount of objects and collision detection was hinted at GDC06 I think. This game has put that simulation on object+physics+collision to some practical use!

And it sounds like the Cell has plenty of more power under the hood.


(originaly posted by neturman 3 from ps3forums.)
I agree this is better suited to the games forum - though the highlight is the use of technology, normally for the tech forum we'd want a description of the systems rather than just a statement of such, which the games section normally covers anyway.
I agree this is better suited to the games forum - though the highlight is the use of technology, normally for the tech forum we'd want a description of the systems rather than just a statement of such, which the games section normally covers anyway.

Fair enough :).
Sounds like this game shows quite a bit of the power off for PS3 especally with active objects and collisions. I belive the amount of objects and collision detection was hinted at GDC06 I think. This game has put that simulation on object+physics+collision to some practical use!

And it sounds like the Cell has plenty of more power under the hood.

To be honest, what your saying isn't really impressive at all.

We have seen game, that look better than this, like Kameo, which in some scenes has several thusand enemies on screen, at a stable framerate, all with AI, physics and collisions.

There are better showcases for the cell.

Isn't Heavenly Sword doing a couple thusand enemies?
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10,000 objects being physically simulated at a given moment doesn't strike me as trivial...if they are indeed having that many active at anyone one moment and aren't turning any off, and I guess they are by qualifying them as 'active'.

It's hard, though, to know exactly how sophisticated the collision detection is, and harder still to compare that to other games. For example with games that might have thousands of characters in a scene, it's very hard to tell how many are actually 'active' in the physics simulation at any one moment..are they all, or is LOD on the physics applied? And so on..
So has anyone actually bought this game yet? If not, I highly recommend it. Not only does it look gorgeous, it's as fun to play as it is to watch. It's the best $8 I've spent on PSN so far. What a steal!
It's hard to actually watch the game while you're playing it because you need to keep focused on playing. But there are rare instances of slowdown (when there's so much stuff around you that the only way to survive is to use a bomb and obliterate the thousands of objects and entities), in which you can take that brief fraction of a second of slow-mo relief to view the glorious mayhem.
Regarding the physics, given the 2D playing field, it should be much simpler compared to GDC cube demo.
So has anyone actually bought this game yet? If not, I highly recommend it. Not only does it look gorgeous, it's as fun to play as it is to watch. It's the best $8 I've spent on PSN so far. What a steal!

I think this thread should be merged with the other one, now that they are both in console games forum. But yeah, even though I am not too keen on downloadables this game is certainly the best value for the money .

...brags about 93 million :cool:
I downloaded it the other day. It looks really impressive, if not simple, but the gameplay is fantastic. It's like Geometry Wars + more "gameplay" like aspects of powering up weapons, and using weapons strategically against enemies.

It's the best PSN game, and one of the best downloadable games this generation. IMHO:p
:LOL: Do you have to sell it like that ? I am trying to control my play time and gaming budget here... :)

If there is one game came out this gen I can safely recommend, the name is SSHD, assuming you ever enjoyed a second of any shoot 'em up.

But the game shows friends' rankings as well, may be discouraging ;).
:LOL: Do you have to sell it like that ? I am trying to control my play time and gaming budget here... :)

$8 should nay be a dent in your gaming budget.... play time, on the other hand... ;)

Seriously though, give it a shot. The game is incredibly fun and is driven by cool high paced music. If you have a second controller, co-op mode with a friend is a blast as well.
Just judging from the count of users on the Arcade score board, there could easily be 30,000 copies sold in just the first week.

At this moment it almost just 24,000. I recall last night it was around 18,000.

Some one really should keep track of these numbers! It's like a rare insight into how well these kinds of games sell.

My high score is still an anemic 24M. But at least I feel I am getting better every night. I've never played geowars, so I am not yet that skilled at this kind of game. The highest score is over 300M right now.
I've been on a self-imposed celibacy from everything console-related - including this website - due to what felt like the excessive time it all consumed of my life.

Then I heard about this game being released on the playstation network or whatever it's called and I just had to check it out. OMG I was caught instantly and had to run over here to see what people are saying about it. Yes my willporwer sucks I know.

This game's even better than Geometry Wars, a game I love and have played far far more than anything else on the 360. I totally adore Super Stardust HD. the graphics is fabulous, the sound is great and the action is frantic yet rarely feels completely overwhelmingly impossible like is often the case in GW once you hit a million points or more.

The curved game area and the boost helps to keep you alive; I usually could only sit for a few seconds at most at the edge of the playfield before enemies spawned in right under me in GW. Here there are no edges and only a minority of objects on the screen actually try to kamikaze into me. That makes for a still frantic, but less stressful playing environment somehow, IMO.

Visibility is also better when not everything is just bits of neon lines flying around, even though sometimes I do smash into things obscured by explosions or particle showers, or even bonus tokens actually.

I just love seeing the big asteroid mofos break up into chunks and collapse in on themselves. Damn this title's so imporessive with all the rocks bouncing off of each other. Hardly ever see a dropped frame (though it does happen once in a blue moon) most of the time it just runs silky silky smoooooth at 720P. Amazing.

Check out the planets. They have an atmosphere layer around em and there's clouds on some of em and three layers of parallax in the background. Totally oldschool!

This is an easy 9/10 score title, and - for better and worse - one of the best PS3 games out right now.. Is that embarrassing or not? I'm not sure. I'm too busy being giddy like a schoolboy shooting asteroids to care. :cool:


PS: bit over 44M points personal best...
Just got 103M (look for xat around the top 70s :)). This game gets seriously intense after you beat it the first time around. Apparently you start over on a harder difficulty right after beating the game normally.

I guess this is kind of a niche genre; not much reception particularly here. :cry:

PS: Save your bombs. Everything except your weapon upgrades carry over to hard mode, so I had ~10 lives and 20 bombs.... and I used most of them by the 4th planet (where I game over'd :().
I just got and tried this game (came back from holiday late yesterday). Was looking forward to it, and it's a lot of fun. Not easy though! You really do have to think about which weapon to use when.
The "learning curve" seems to be perfectly tuned. I sucked the couple of first tries and never managed to get past level three, but every time I played I got a bit further and now I'm at world two, level three (I've played it since last friday).
Yep, knowing which weapon to use might help, but I still prefer the Gold Melter almost exclusively :)
When I learned to not shoot continuously, and so making the screen full of debris, I started to advance in the game.
Definitely an amazing arcade game. Love the graphics, why can't all games be this polished.
My score is still just a little over 2 million...
Definitely an amazing arcade game. Love the graphics, why can't all games be this polished.
Isn't that something Sony have instilled in PSN titles? I don't know the whole library, but from what I've seen about the titles on there, they've had the quality kept very high. Lemmings, Super-Rub-A-Dub, flOw, and that racey game, are all high quality productions. Is there anything (apart from the shabby retro stuff) that's low quality on PSN?