New Mozilla FireFox (FireBird) 0.8


Senior Lurker
SO what do you guys think?
Its finally slick enough for me to switch over from using Moz as my main browser.
It also finally handles the old mozilla password lists properly (encrypted) and has a master password.
Its fast, and has tons of great extensions.
Oh, i also found a great extension for Firebird/FireFox/Mozilla.
Its called Adblock. It's amazing, works on any type of ad, etc - even flash.

And a little snippet from the FAQ:
# But I want to support my favorite site! Can I set Adblock to download, and then hide stuff?
Yes, see next question.
# What's the difference between "hide" and "remove"?
"Hide" preserves a page's layout -- content being downloaded, but not visibly rendered.
"Remove" collapses the layout -- no content is downloaded.
Althornin said:
Oh, i also found a great extension for Firebird/FireFox/Mozilla.
Its called Adblock. It's amazing, works on any type of ad, etc - even flash.

And a little snippet from the FAQ:
# But I want to support my favorite site! Can I set Adblock to download, and then hide stuff?
Yes, see next question.
# What's the difference between "hide" and "remove"?
"Hide" preserves a page's layout -- content being downloaded, but not visibly rendered.
"Remove" collapses the layout -- no content is downloaded.

Back when I used firebird/firefox/whatever new name they'll come up with, I loved that.

I switched to Opera because its pretty. :D

Ad Muncher works for ALL browsers however, and I highly recommend it.
Althornin said:
SO what do you guys think?
Its finally slick enough for me to switch over from using Moz as my main browser.
It also finally handles the old mozilla password lists properly (encrypted) and has a master password.
Its fast, and has tons of great extensions.

I am still sticking to my good ol' Konqueror :p
Both moz (1.6) and firefox (0.8) seem to have problems logging into b3d with the "remember me" checkbox checked (and no password manager).
thegrommit said:
Both moz (1.6) and firefox (0.8) seem to have problems logging into b3d with the "remember me" checkbox checked (and no password manager).
no such problems here, with either.
To clarify, I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with Moz as I've been able to logon persistently to other phpbb sites (e.g. nforcershq) without a problem. There must be some combination of settings and b3d's setup that is causing this. However, as it happened with both a fresh (default) installation of firefox, and a personalised install of moz on two different machines, there's not a lot more investigation I can do :)
The Baron said:
Hmmm... what theme are you using on the board?

I was using subsilver, but changing it to iceblue doesn't fix the problem. This doesn't surprise me as subsilver seems to be the forum default - and the style used on login.
I'm not sure I see the purpose of firebird when you have mozilla or vice versa. I can install mozilla in a minimalist form. I find that mozilla is much nicer for a user in the know and doesn't seem too hard for the novice to use firebird/fox.
Just to add my joy in discovering - load images for the originating website only- option which does 2 things - blocks ads - oops - bad for websites... but good for speed and if you don't want this flashies to bring attention from other people at work - esp the dating add here...

I promise I'll put it back on once there is a hardware company ad flashing at the top... and if there is a need for compromise, adverise SiS - noone will think you are Volari biased :)
Druga Runda said:
Just to add my joy in discovering - load images for the originating website only- option which does 2 things - blocks ads - oops - bad for websites... but good for speed and if you don't want this flashies to bring attention from other people at work - esp the dating add here...

I promise I'll put it back on once there is a hardware company ad flashing at the top... and if there is a need for compromise, adverise SiS - noone will think you are Volari biased :)
see my referal to ablock at the top of this thread.

And Saem, i'd say you've got it backwards.
Moz is for the easy n00b, firefox is for the power user to tweak out like mad.

It is also noticeably faster than moz is.
And Saem, i'd say you've got it backwards.
Moz is for the easy n00b, firefox is for the power user to tweak out like mad.

Really? That's not what I got from Firebird. I haven't tried Firefox. I had to really stretch to find the advance settings and things that could cause a lot of problems were well hidden. Due to this I thought it was more novice oriented. Perhaps, I'm mistaken.

But when it comes to advance features in mozilla they're fairly upfront with little idiot protections. Or perhaps, it's just a poorer user interface?