New home furniture/decorating ideas help please!


Damn it, with the confusion involved in buying a new house and renting out our old one I've apparently missed a few crucial details along the what kind of furniture are we going to put in it?

We're going to start small and add, but we're basically getting all new everything. My big first concerns are for what to do with the great room and me and my wife's new PC room. (It was going to be this room, until I found out about the colour change...)

I have no clue what to do with the great room, it's a great room but what to put there? Here's another picture taken from the middle of the great room facing the other way, the room has some serious potential...I just don't want to fuck it up! :???:
You're not moving the stuff from your old house to the new?

Damn, I'd never rent out my home with MY STUFF still in it... Hell no. Other people don't have enough respect for other peoples' belongings, they're going to spill wine on your sofa and jam on your carpets and track in dirt everywhere, and...
Nope, we're pitching most of our stuff. It's pretty beat up and shot.

Raising two kids and too many dogs and cats can really wear furniture out. :p
Ahh, I see.

My parents bought new couch, sofa (three-seater) and coffee table fairly recently. They'd had their previous stuff for fifteen years and the couch was getting threadbare and the coffee table had developed a crack running through it (made of some kind of probably manufactured limestone-like material). Plus, it was heavy as friggin' hell, and my parents are in their 70s both of them - not a good combo.

The new furniture is in a dark grey wool fabric, I think (or maybe it's partly linen, or synthetic, or who the hell knows!), with a broad solid wood trimming along the sides of the curved, outwards-flaring armrests. The overall design is the sort of classic modern you could have found in - what was then almost considered futuristic - functional-centric design furniture from the 1930s up to the 50s roughly.

I'm not sure what the coffee table cost, but the couch was about SKR12k, and the couch SKR16k, I think. That's about US$3700. Ugh. Hand-made Swedish design doesn't carry chinese-manufactured IKEA price tags, unfortunately... And now they've ordered another couch too... Not that I disapprove; both the couch and the sofa feel great to sit in, and they look just awesome.
Yeah, my wife's big on the quality thing this more laminated particle board for us. The prices sort of go up dramatically with that requirement, but it's worth it.

Our kids are old enough not to destroy anything anymore, (knock-wood), so we're going for quality over quantity...just not sure what yet.

I'm really leaning towards a couple of pit groups for the living room, so we can re-arrange it as needed/wanted and still have lots of comfy places.
Decide on a single theme, define it in a few prominent colors and materials, and stick to it.

Only buy stuff that qualifies when you go shopping. You'll be very happy with the result.
when did you win the lottery digi? Furniture is expensive!

By the way between computer hardware, consoles, houses, cars and now furniture, I'm just going to start calling you "Life by B3D Digi"

Well the furnishing ideas aren't as urgent now, looks like we'll have about $2,800 left over after all the monies for the houses. :LOL:

Any ideas for decorating on the cheap? ;)
First congratulations for your new home.

About furniture, well that is a tough question.
And there is no right answer.

Maybe you should start reading a lot about ambience and aesthetics. Find a style that please you. Then slowlly add the furniture. Avoid impulsive buying.

Have fun :)
Quality furniture doesn't melt when water gets on it like particle board and can be repaired fairly easily, hence you should look at garage sales, estate sales and such and you can get some good wood stuff for cheap. Worst case scenario you strip, sand, and refinish which isn't really that hard.