New GoW screens!

Did anybody doubt Epic wouldn't get Gears running at a smooth framerate?

I mean like CliffyB said, "We’re not only selling a game here, we’re selling an engine." Epic would look pretty stupid, if Gears running on the engine they created, shipped with poor performance.

Anyways, I thought the demo was kind of boring. Maybe it was the fact that CliffyB was playing the game on easy or the particular firefight, but it just lacked the awesomeness that the E3 demo had.

I was hoping to see a scene with the Brumak or Beserker. :smile:
Did anybody doubt Epic wouldn't get Gears running at a smooth framerate?

*Laa-Yosh mode on*

Not me, not, at least until someone can explain to me what is so technically demanding about this game

*Laa-Yosh mode off*


Sorry, you have a very distinct style of criticism, consisting of brief, cynical remarks. Just do a search for posts by yourself, and then look at results pages 2 and 3 (most notably in Lair related threads, but it happens in a lot of places).

It stuck in my mind - probably because since I have been down with a flu that's sticking around in my lungs for which I now have antibiotics, meaning there's two weeks where I can't do much more than browse Beyond3D - and I played on it. Hope you don't mind, was just trying to be funny. If I'm the only one who got it, my apologies for my lousy sense of humor.

No problem about it.

Though I firmly believe that my criticism of Lair is fair and has a solid basis...
The first renders from the Mark of Chaos intro, with default lighting (1 light from the camera) and basic shaders looked very similar to what we're seeing from Lair, especially if we'd have added a lot of bloom on top of it. It took a lot of very hard work and finetuning to get everything right, and we've only had to deal with a few scenes and fixed camera angles and no hard limits on rendering time.

Seeing the direct feed screenshots, I have a very hard time believing that people not only can't see the difference between this and other, well polished games, but even find it good looking. It's like everyone had high expectations and emotional investment, and now nobody dares to admit that it's so far away from what has been promised.

No problem about it.

I'm glad to hear that!

I will ignore your comments on Lair for now, as this is the wrong thread for it. ;) But since you are well-versed in graphics deconstruction, why don't you apply that skill to GoW some more? I'd genuinely like to know more about why GoW is technically impressive. It's part of my learning process (trying to learn more about 3D graphics techniques and so on, which is a big part of why I'm on these boards.

I can see that GoW has some good art, and I can see that the gameplay could be fun. I also see that it very cleverly uses dramatic camera effects. But from a purely technical standpoint, what's impressive? Some of the shader effects? I like some of them, but they seem short - disappear very quickly - and superficial, in the FX anyway - a bit like how rain in F1 looks really cool, but is mostly Hollywood Rain - i.e. it's rain on the camera mostly, not on anything else. The texturing on the main characters? The main characters look pretty good, but that's a bit inherent to the over the shoulder look - Resident Evil had similar advantages and good-looks. Still, they look quite imposing in GoW. But the textures in the backgrounds don't look so hot, imho. I do like the architecture though, and as I said, the art-direction is very good.
But that's exactly my pont - while technology is interesting, I still try to judge the games on their artistic merits, overall looks; and this is where GOW shines and Lair is so far behind amost every other nextgen game.
But that's exactly my pont - while technology is interesting, I still try to judge the games on their artistic merits, overall looks; and this is where GOW shines and Lair is so far behind amost every other nextgen game.

Ok, I am fine with that, but it still doesn't answer my question (or maybe it does).

Anyway, the problem is that artistic direction is harder to discuss objectively. Not that it is fully impossible, mind you, I am a rare breed of having studied Artificial Inteligence and English Literary Critiscism, Modernism and Narrative Techniques (including technical comparisons between book and their film-adaptations).

On this site I was just fully limiting my scope to technical excellence, that is all! :)
If youre going to make up terminology, at least explain what it means and give an example or two... ;)

I understand its a war torn world and all.. but its like everything is pock marked/gritty... I am SURE there are places that haven't seen the blight of war yet and should be clean and smooth.. at least I would like to see those areas...
I understand its a war torn world and all.. but its like everything is pock marked/gritty... I am SURE there are places that haven't seen the blight of war yet and should be clean and smooth.. at least I would like to see those areas...

I think we've only seen a tip of the iceberg until now...
Yeah, Epic keeps a lot of the game in the dark ;). We've seen what, 4 kinds of enemies altogether? Standard Locust, female Locust, big bipedal monster with the rocket launcher, even bigger spider-like monster... I doubt that's all in the game. Then there's that female character whose model we've only seen in the E3 documentary, without any textures, and so on.

I prefer it this way though, better keep as much as possible as a surprise, the game is already convincing enough.
But that's exactly my pont - while technology is interesting, I still try to judge the games on their artistic merits, overall looks; and this is where GOW shines and Lair is so far behind amost every other nextgen game.

comparing an almost 100% complete game to a 35% complete game is not fair in my book. or maybe u dont like dragon games.
comparing an almost 100% complete game to a 35% complete game is not fair in my book.

The world is unfair - Sony should not have released anything from such an incomplete game. The strange part is that they're still getting away with it, a lot of people seem to like this.