New Forza 2 CG Trailer

cpu post effect

the first one seems like a photo-mode shot, but with the HUD on top. the second one seems like a regular in-game shot with the HUD removed ; )

Maybe both shot is same but real-time shot (shot 1) has extra frame-blur effect. Only thing I do not like is road and grass texture and transparency tree texture wall around track and background trees with only leaf transparency but no branches. Car model is great.
the first one seems like a photo-mode shot, but with the HUD on top. the second one seems like a regular in-game shot with the HUD removed ; )

Could be the other way around, with motion blur in the first, and a very short shutter time in the second (speaking from ample gt4 photo mode experience here).

You could of course also have more or less blur depending on your speed and so on, but that would mean that in the other shot the two cars would be practically standing still, as 81km/h isn't exactly going to create heaps of motion blur normally anyway.
My prediction for tomorrow is this: The shots will look better (or will over the next couple weeks). Why? When Turn 10 announced 60fps, 720p, 4xMSAA, they also mentioned: 3D grass, HDR, some form of GI (hack), etc.

3D grass is very double. Trackmania, a free PC game, has working 3D grass that looks fine. HDR is common in almost all 360 games as the standard FP10 color format has a low overhead and is compatible with MSAA, etc They also mentioned dust and dirt accumulating on the cars and whatnot and these screens just lack any of these features.

Maybe this is an old build. But that wouldn't make much sense in that the above features would have had to be working many, many months ago. They may have performed poorly 6 months ago, but technically they should have been able to grab some still shots with them enabled. They have less than 2 months to release so these features must be there. And even then the PR shots for mags were only a month ago and the new shots were from last week.

That is my prediction. Now if HDR, 3D grass, etc all got cut... something is definately wrong at Turn 10.

Now big companies don't take risks like this, but I would get a chuckle and thumbs up if MS had them release dumbed down shots to cause a stir only to exceed them. Or maybe a series showing how adding graphical effects improves the images, etc... but I get the idea these are just some leaked shots that don't look very great for whatever reason. It will be sad for 360 owners if this is the final graphically, although admittadly it is all about how well it drives as a sim, not how it looks. It will sure teach Turn 10 (much like LIONHEAD) not to overhype their games!
exactly Acert

they either over-promised or we still need to give them time to prove it.

Like until tomorrow at least! ;)

after that if it doesn't meet the technical criteria promised at E3, expect a delay to 2007. because I do believe they will hit the target goal or they would not have stated it at E3 IMO. (that would be stupid)
My prediction for tomorrow is this: The shots will look better (or will over the next couple weeks). Why? When Turn 10 announced 60fps, 720p, 4xMSAA, they also mentioned: 3D grass, HDR, some form of GI (hack), etc.

3D grass is very double. Trackmania, a free PC game, has working 3D grass that looks fine. HDR is common in almost all 360 games as the standard FP10 color format has a low overhead and is compatible with MSAA, etc They also mentioned dust and dirt accumulating on the cars and whatnot and these screens just lack any of these features.

Maybe this is an old build. But that wouldn't make much sense in that the above features would have had to be working many, many months ago. They may have performed poorly 6 months ago, but technically they should have been able to grab some still shots with them enabled. They have less than 2 months to release so these features must be there. And even then the PR shots for mags were only a month ago and the new shots were from last week.

That is my prediction. Now if HDR, 3D grass, etc all got cut... something is definately wrong at Turn 10.

Now big companies don't take risks like this, but I would get a chuckle and thumbs up if MS had them release dumbed down shots to cause a stir only to exceed them. Or maybe a series showing how adding graphical effects improves the images, etc... but I get the idea these are just some leaked shots that don't look very great for whatever reason. It will be sad for 360 owners if this is the final graphically, although admittadly it is all about how well it drives as a sim, not how it looks. It will sure teach Turn 10 (much like LIONHEAD) not to overhype their games!

The game looks worse than any other 360 game, even those released, as it stands now, even if it runs at 60fps with 8xAA and 16xAF. As you said, there are tons of low end PC games that already have way more detail. Flatout 1 looks many times better than this does right now, and runs at very high detail/framerates/and image quality on my 6800GT...
The game looks worse than any other 360 game, even those released, as it stands now, even if it runs at 60fps with 8xAA and 16xAF. As you said, there are tons of low end PC games that already have way more detail. Flatout 1 looks many times better than this does right now, and runs at very high detail/framerates/and image quality on my 6800GT...

they promised ...

When Turn 10 announced 60fps, 720p, 4xMSAA, they also mentioned: 3D grass, HDR, some form of GI (hack), etc.

so I guess we will see if they do it by the time the game launches... which is not for a few months (maybe even delayed?)
Maybe this is an old build. But that wouldn't make much sense in that the above features would have had to be working many, many months ago. They may have performed poorly 6 months ago, but technically they should have been able to grab some still shots with them enabled. They have less than 2 months to release so these features must be there. And even then the PR shots for mags were only a month ago and the new shots were from last week.

That is my prediction. Now if HDR, 3D grass, etc all got cut... something is definately wrong at Turn 10.

From the 8/19/06 Turn10 Pit Pass

Turn10 said:
Framerates are hopscotching at regular intervals toward the magical number of 60, while more and more post-effects are turned on in the graphics department. Animating 3D crowds, animated 3D grass, and high dyynamic-range lighting are just a few of the elements that have recently been activated in the game... which coincides really nicely with the fact that art director John Wendl has just finished up capturing another batch of really impressive screenshots for yet another big print gaming magazine.

So... this could be grasping at straws, but its possible that these were all activated after these screen shots were released. The latest pitpass says they are grabbing pics for Tuesday from the latest build, not trying to make a magazine's month lead time (which COULD put it before all of the above was activated). Anyway... just a thought. We'll find out tomorrow.
...and people wonder why they haven't shown the game up until now?? Rabid ******s are already circling the wagon.

The fact is that this game is NOT running on an Xbox 1 engine, this team has a 360 engine running in an incredibly small amount of time for a game of this nature. There are at least a couple of people here (ERP, Fafalada), who had waaaaaay more time to put together racing games and should appreciate the super human effort involved in putting together an AAA racing game possibly two years before Sony gets around to doing it.

By the time Sony gets the next True Gran Turismo out the door (and not GT:HD), we will be playing Forza 3, and that's where Microsoft is outsmarting and outpacing Sony.

And besides, even if you prefer tight and flashy streets of London in PGR3, if you Bizarre Creations is sitting on their laurels you're crazy. Two completely different styles of games, PGR series is fun but I'd take Forza any day of the week. The gameplay is possibly the tightest of any racing game ever (up until Forza 2 comes out), especially fun for 99% of the average gamer and racing nut, the other 1% can go play their PC racing games that sell 10,000 copies or sit around waiting years for a real Gran Turismo sequel.
According to Game Director dan Greenawalt:

The video that we showed is using real in-game assets (i.e., the cars and the track are all in-game models), and the look of the video is attainable. The game will look better than PGR3 and then some. Why? Because it isn't simply Forza HD. We're not using the old Forza 1 engine. A new platform, a new engine. Things need to be built from the ground-up. There's a lot of work involved, and showing the game now simply wouldn't do us any favors

We shall see....the funny thing is Bizarre, to this day, has never released a single ingame screenshot for PGR, and finding nice closeup framebuffer grabs of it is kinda hard, so it's gonna be tricky to compare.
We shall see....the funny thing is Bizarre, to this day, has never released a single ingame screenshot for PGR, and finding nice closeup framebuffer grabs of it is kinda hard, so it's gonna be tricky to compare.

But most of us have played PGR3 one way or another, even if at a kiosk. e.g. It is pretty blatant in the kiosk demo that there is edge aliasing which we know is really emphasized, especially on contrasty backgrounds, due to the scaling issue. But then again it looks hot and going into a tunnel and out is very cool with the excellent HDR effects and the game has a great sense of speed and a very detailed world.

And we could always ask Blim to take some framebuffer ingame grabs :D

Btw, lets make a checklist of things promised and see if things live up to them tomorrow:

- 60fps
- 720p
- 4xMSAA
- Global Illumination
- Motion Blur
- Per pixel reflections @ 60fps
- 3D animated grass
- 3D animated crowds
- Better than PGR3
- Similar look to the CGI
- Built from the ground up
- NOT Forza HD
Q: You were instrumental in directing and shaping that video. It was pretty dazzling...
JW: "Thanks. I worked with a team to create the video using actual “in-game” assets and combined them with visual effects, such as motion blur, global illumination and high dynamic range lighting, that are either already working in the build or are very close to completion."
Q: We’ve announced that FM2 will be 60fps at 720p. Can you talk a bit about some of the other techniques we’ll be employing to make FM2 look next-gen?
JW: "We’re really taking full advantage of the immense graphics horsepower of the Xbox 360 to do some incredible things visually. Of course we’re 60fps at 720p, as you mention, but we’re also adding effects and features such as 4X anti-aliasing (no jaggies!), motion blur, high dynamic range lighting, global illumination and per-pixel car reflections updated at full frame rate. I could go on and on. Really a ton of stuff. Too much to list here."
The video that we showed is using real in-game assets (i.e., the cars and the track are all in-game models), and the look of the video is attainable. The game will look better than PGR3 and then some. Why? Because it isn't simply Forza HD. We're not using the old Forza 1 engine. A new platform, a new engine. Things need to be built from the ground-up. There's a lot of work involved, and showing the game now simply wouldn't do us any favors
Framerates are hopscotching at regular intervals toward the magical number of 60, while more and more post-effects are turned on in the graphics department. Animating 3D crowds, animated 3D grass, and high dyynamic-range lighting are just a few of the elements that have recently been activated in the game... which coincides really nicely with the fact that art director John Wendl has just finished up capturing another batch of really impressive screenshots for yet another big print gaming magazine.
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And we could always ask Blim to take some framebuffer ingame grabs :D

That would be a good idea, I checked the archives, but it looks as though he captured the PGR3 footage before he got his hidef capture hardware.

I played it tonight to refresh my memory, have to say that G35 model certainly holds it's own. The finest part about PGR3 is the lighting and reflections which don't really come through in screens, I'd like to see how the light plays across that G35.

btw: Nice thread ;)
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Heh, thanks ;) I thought not to be confrontational on their own forums -- they didn't release the pics anyhow -- and thought to

a. remind people to give them 24 hours
b. remind everyone of what T10 really did say

There is a thread where the fan**** are calling people liars for saying, "Turn 10 said it would look better than PGR3" and after like 2 or 3 full pages someone came up with the quote from Dan that said EXACTLY that and they all acted huffy :LOL:

They specifically mention spherical harmonics for GI effects, HDR, and 3D animated grass and so forth, all missing from those shots so they obviously are early shots. Lets see what they can show us tomorrow.

Acert93... you make world class threads no matter the forum. nice job

I do agree with the one poster though... I do not think all of the effects need to be evident in the screens tomorrow.

They are supposedly aiming for Winter 2006 which could be end of December. (ahhh memories of the PS3 'Spring' release squabble ;))

and my guess is it will be pushed back to 2007.