Truth! There's plenty of room for both console and PC gamers. PC sales numbers are going through the roof right now and I don't think console are exactly selling badly either.
Different strokes for different folks. I have friends I recommend consoles to over gaming PCs just because I know they won't want to go through the hassles of any hassles. In my opinion gaming PCs you really have to know a little bit at least about computers to have a great experience where as consoles I've been informed it's not so much the case. Personally I'll always be PC over consoles, but that's because of me and how I like to doesn't mean that consoles suck and are bad.
Get what works for you and be happy.
Couldnt have said any better I always go PC as the main platform, but i cant go without a playstation as a sidekick. The playstation is just offering too many great exclusives/experiences. PS for exclusives, PC for everything else. Still the killer combo.