New Forza 2 CG Trailer

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here.
I think he has a fair point. Maybe not a cash cow, but it's not a graphical tour de force as it should be. The biggest rival is the GT series and PS3 is only getting a tarted up GT4 for PS3. A new XB360 racer ought to be able to look leaps and bounds beyond that, but these images don't manage that. Someone should be pushing for this to be a key title in the same way Sony pour money into GT to allow Polyphony as long as they want to create the game they want. Why pay for Forza 2's development if it's not going to appear much different from PGR3? Feature wise it may be very different, but the major advertising point is for the time being on the visuals, and given XB360's capabilities I feel far more should be being achieved from Forza's renderer to really make a splash and wow onlookers. These screens are 'okay' and not 'fabulous', and they thus portray XB360 as 'okay' and not 'fabulous'.
Acert93, your criticism is definitely warranted based on these .... whatever they are screens :smile: .... but since the game is not released yet and has several months until it does so, I'd say that we are ahead of ourselves a bit before we condemn them for 'not fulfilling the promise'. ;)
I'm pretty sure it looks rather un-inspirational due to the effort they must be putting into the simulation aspect. There's a heavy trade-off there.

Some people had too high an expectation for the title, in terms of graphics, given the timeframe and I think what Acert hinted is a very possible reality. They needed to get Forza out before Gran Turismo comes, it definitely looks like they'll achieve that goal what with Polyphony dilly-dallying over that series.

Forza needs the spotlight for itself otherwise it risks being overwhelmed by the almost sports-title esque furore that surrounds GT, especially here in Europe. It’s a good strategy IMO.
Acert93, your criticism is definitely warranted based on these .... whatever they are screens :smile: .... but since the game is not released yet and has several months until it does so, I'd say that we are ahead of ourselves a bit before we condemn them for 'not fulfilling the promise'. ;)

We will see. I was all over GRAW last year at this time, and they listened to me and ended up releasing one of the best looking next gen games yet. Maybe Turn 10 will listen to ol' Acert93 as well ;)
I guess I am missing the parts:

"Global Illumination"


"Better looking than PGR3"

Based on such statements and the constant release of CGIs I think it is fair to ask, "What happened?"

This was not community hype, but developer hype. They set the bar, not me ;) Honestly it looks in the same class as NFS, Burnout, MotoGP, etc graphically. I am getting a distinct "Forza HD" feeling :p Not because the game looks horrible, only not what you woudl expect from a AAA title hyped as much as Turn 10 hyped the game.

You're assuming that these shots are representative of the final game. Even if they're legit, does not mean thats what the game will look like when it's done. Additionally, the motion blur in the one 'race cam' shot is completely overdone and there is absolutely no way the game will look like that, a big blurry mess, it just won't. Take a look at Forza 1.

As for development time, PGR had 24months according to the post mortem, Forza 2 18, not that big of a difference, especially considering PGR3 didn't really know what they were working with for the first year.

I'll agree with you on all your points IF this is how the game turns out to look. But the fact MS had them removed from every site hosting them, only to post different screens tomorrow, kindof makes me think these are not indicitive of the game. Otherwise, why not just leave them up, the one's tomorrow will look the same anyways right?
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We will see. I was all over GRAW last year at this time, and they listened to me and ended up releasing one of the best looking next gen games yet. Maybe Turn 10 will listen to ol' Acert93 as well ;)

nicely done! :D

they would be wise... very wise to do so... my friend. :smile:
If these are indeed legit shots, although they seem better than the last ones, they do seem underwelming. Not that it looks terrible, it's far from that... but as Acert said, not as good as some were expecting. To be fair, the game does have months ahead of it, and it could definately be a older build we are looking at. It wouldnt be a first for the publisher to release screens from an older build (heavenly sword anyone?). And from the screens we have of it, it definately looks miles better than GT:HD (good god polyphony, wheres gt5?). Hopefully the screens we see tommorrow are a much better showing.

Check the reflection on the back window of the car. Typical "LDR" ie. 8 bit enviroment map, lacking bright highlights and contrast. Strange that the paint job has a stronger reflection on the front facing side of the bumper, and the same LDR on the long side.

Looks like no HDR to me. A bit more flashy setting for the exposure and impleneting HDR should make it look considerably better.

But the scenery is quite empty and there's no sign of AF...
The game doesn't look horrible, especially if it is a rock solid 60fps, and has some nice touches (I like the countryside background), but my negativity is related to them missing their own targets they set. When you claim to "one up" the competition, and fall significantly short in my opinion, then I have a hard time being positive about that aspect of the game. It would be like PD saying they would have better online than Forza and falling short. Doesn't mean the online is bad, only that they overhyped their product to smear/downplay the competition. Forza was downplaying PGR3 and in my opinion they have fallen short.

I think you hit the nail on the head with that statement Acert! I feel the exact same way and it sure as hell would not be the first time a developer came up short after downplaying the competition. I am still going to get the game, as I really enjoyed the original, but it would have been nice if Turn 10 could have delivered visually.
I think these pictures look somewhat better than what people are saying, pretty good looking to me, however I have learned by now that final judgement should be reserved until direct feed 720p game footage is seen. I do think that PGR3 is maybe getting little bit more respect than it should, although it is pretty good looking title, it has it issues and I'm still confident that this will look much better than PGR3 when I finally see it on my HDTV.
Xboxyde says they got some official pictures that basically look the same.

It really does look bad to me. Like Forza 1 or GT* in high def with more image quality and processing but not more detail.

But I suppose that'll be the first 'car sim fight' this round, Forza 1 HD versus GT4 HD...
supposedly, these are not the screens that will be shown tomorrow

new ones (newest probably) coming still on tuesday

"HDR and 3d grass was activated after these shots were taken"
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Update : Looks like someone was a bit too eager to put these screens online, as they weren't supposed to be released until tomorrow. If you missed them, you'll have to wait a few more hours :)

That's it?
That's it?

supposedly no

che on GAF said that they would be releasing exclusive pics on tuesday from the newest build that were not previously released to magazines weeks ago to meet lead times, which is what those pics were (old build magazine shots).

but... I guess we'll know soon enough for sure :)
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Just noticed something strange, these two shots seem to be the exact same corner on the same course, yet the first one is completely blurred to crap. I wonder why.

Just noticed something strange, these two shots seem to be the exact same corner on the same course, yet the first one is completely blurred to crap. I wonder why.


the first one seems like a photo-mode shot, but with the HUD on top. the second one seems like a regular in-game shot with the HUD removed ; )