New drink from google with high tech bottle.

Not altering pages for April Fools jokes on April 2. to reflect the fact that it was a prank is bad form. Ony makes the stupid day seem to last longer. Google: Are you listening?
If you don't catch on from reading the page it's just a joke then there's no hope for you...ever. 'Dumbass' shall be thy name from now and henceforth! :devilish:
If you’re referring to me, then of course I got the joke. Some people do not, however, and that’s why I’d like them to clearly state it’s a prank. Reading something dubious on April 1 is bound to make people suspicious, but long after that suspicion might be diminished. While it was funny yesterday, April fools jokes making the rounds after their ‘expiry date’ is just annoying.

The same goes for all the pranks and not in particular this one. (As I expect the original poster also knew it was a joke. It’s just too bloody obvious.) It’s more of a general rant. In particular I expect to see the Rage 3D ‘information’ referenced all over the place for weeks to come.
Zaphod said:
If you’re referring to me
Not neccessarily, no. See it as a 'you in general' kind of statement.

Some people do not, however, and that’s why I’d like them to clearly state it’s a prank.
Like people want chain saw manufacturers to urge people in the manual (and perhaps on the device itself) not to stop the chain by hand while the saw is running, etc?

You can't protect people from their own stupidity, it's not possible without dumbing down the entire universe to such a degree only the true idiots amongst us can stand it living in it.

I don't care if they never state their april fools' jokes are jokes, it's simply not worth my time worrying about it. There are more important things I'd rather think about, let the dumbasses believe there's google softdrinks that'll boost their brain activity, why should we care?
Guden Oden said:
You can't protect people from their own stupidity, it's not possible without dumbing down the entire universe to such a degree only the true idiots amongst us can stand it living in it.

I don't care if they never state their april fools' jokes are jokes, it's simply not worth my time worrying about it. There are more important things I'd rather think about, let the dumbasses believe there's google softdrinks that'll boost their brain activity, why should we care?
Question: If a friend sent you some FUD based chain-letter e-mail, would you:

1. Simply delete it and let them carry on with any misconception they might have gathered from it, only to send you another one at some point in the future?
2. Send them a friendly and educating note informing them about the 'error in their ways'?

I don't want people to be overly protected from their own stupidity, but I do however think that people have some sort of responsibility not to intetionally waste other peoples time if it can be avoided. April fools day is supposedly some sort of free pass to be silly and do just that, but let's try to keep it confined to that one day, shall we?
Zaphod said:
1. Simply delete it and let them carry on with any misconception they might have gathered from it, only to send you another one at some point in the future?
2. Send them a friendly and educating note informing them about the 'error in their ways'?

I used to try number 2....but then I gave up.
Joe DeFuria said:
I used to try number 2....but then I gave up.

me too... anyone dumb enough to fall for that crap is too dumb to accept any wisdom to the contrary that I might attempt to bestow upon them
Zaphod said:
Question: If a friend sent you some FUD based chain-letter e-mail, would you:
If it was a funny mail, I'd chuckle and let him know I enjoyed it. Like I said, if people are so dumb as to believe stuff like this, there's no stopping them. They're going to get fooled ANYWAY regardless of what I or anyone else does. Heck, I've been fooled once or twice too by troll-posts in the past year. Why make such a fuss about it? People will find ways to waste their time regardless of if I try to stop people from sending trolly mails or whatever.