New D3D FSAA Viewer

Well I wish two things.

MUfu would damn well tell everyone how to enable it &

Mufu would damn well tell everyone how to enable it.


Edit: How many different sample patterns can this new AA sample through?
ChrisRay said:
Geeforcer said:
ChrisRay said:
I am impressed. This is the kind of thing I like to see from IHVs, Just like Nvidia enabling 6xS 8xS ect for Geforce 4 users with registry hacks.

Can't say anything about ATI, but I was certainly NOT impressed with the fact that for months you were forced for months to rely on registry hacks to select your AF and AA and texture compression settings on Nvidia card.

When was this? and with what drivers? I've never heard of it. And For Which cards? I have never had trouble controlling features for the Geforce 4 I had (may it RiP)

6xS 8xS 8x and 12x ect, have never been supported by Geforce 4 cards, So you had to use something like atuner or manually edit a registry mode in Riva Tuner.

But I dont remember anything about texture compression.

For quite some time following GF3 release, the only way to enable AF, DXTC5 (in order to avoid the texture compression bug) or 4x + 9-tap AA was using the use a tweaker like Rivatuner or editing the registry.
Okay folks their temporal AA.

go to your D3D registry bit for your ati drivers ( searching for TVContrastDefaultNTSC is a good start ) and add in a string called TemporalAAMultiplier and give it a value of either 2 or 3 . :)

Their seems like you can set up a fps limit too TemporalAAFrameThreshold .

After doing this you have to restart D3D you can do that one of two ways.
A) restart your machine
B) go to the d3d section of your vid config to smart shader choose and option and then set it back to no effect and hit apply.

*Oh you might need vsync on too ( VSync = 2 )*

LOL oh yes most important of all you need AA forced and atleast 2x aa
AntiAlias = 2
AntiAliasSamples = 2/4/6

*bloodbob Hugs his 18X AA



bloodbob, could you give out the full path in the registry? There seems to be too many "TVContrastDefaultNTSC"
991060 said:
bloodbob, could you give out the full path in the registry? There seems to be too many "TVContrastDefaultNTSC"

It will depend on driver versions ect ect. Mine is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{AD8A7DAA-314A-42D2-993C-03F8F2DE287A}\0000

To be honest the tripple jitter looks crapish at 85hz but the 2x multiplier looks good at 85hz :). And TemporalAAFrameThreshold does work.

Also the driver tens to incorrectly revert the number of samples a bit :/
It doesn't work with 6x AA for me, only 2x or 4x.



Want to see it in action? Small (62KB, 48KB) XviD videos of 2xT and 4xT AA on the go (2x temporal multiplier). They're in real time so you can see the sample pattern change really quickly. I'll try and prepare some videos so you can see edge jitter (quite noticable with 2xT and 4xT).

FFDshow will play them back.

XviD if you need it for encoding your own.
Dwarden said:
what about sequence of screenshots ?

To get it right, you'd need to take 2 or 3 shots depending on whether it's 6x2T or 6x3T and make them cycle at the same framerate the game was running at.
Bleh I just tried it in NFSU it looks terrible :/ well atleast to my eyes at 85hz. Looks alot better in the angles on the D3D FSAA tester in full screen mode.
Dwarden said:
omg omg omg it works ...
but NOT in 1400x1050 , wth WHY ? (1280x960 and 1600x1200 are fine)

dude, how did you get it work? I followed the instructions but it just doesn't work for me. :oops:
991060 said:
Dwarden said:
omg omg omg it works ...
but NOT in 1400x1050 , wth WHY ? (1280x960 and 1600x1200 are fine)

dude, how did you get it work? I followed the instructions but it just doesn't work for me. :oops:

also it seems it works with 6x too ...

Correct path is like : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{9D5FA1FF-272A-4329-9251-3172EA0057D7}\0000

i made serious hr hr mistake and set it in wrong place : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\Settings

Also make sure u use String for key, not DWORD ...
Geeforcer said:
ChrisRay said:
Geeforcer said:
ChrisRay said:
I am impressed. This is the kind of thing I like to see from IHVs, Just like Nvidia enabling 6xS 8xS ect for Geforce 4 users with registry hacks.

Can't say anything about ATI, but I was certainly NOT impressed with the fact that for months you were forced for months to rely on registry hacks to select your AF and AA and texture compression settings on Nvidia card.

When was this? and with what drivers? I've never heard of it. And For Which cards? I have never had trouble controlling features for the Geforce 4 I had (may it RiP)

6xS 8xS 8x and 12x ect, have never been supported by Geforce 4 cards, So you had to use something like atuner or manually edit a registry mode in Riva Tuner.

But I dont remember anything about texture compression.

For quite some time following GF3 release, the only way to enable AF, DXTC5 (in order to avoid the texture compression bug) or 4x + 9-tap AA was using the use a tweaker like Rivatuner or editing the registry.

Well I cant speak for that. My first Nvidia card was a Geforce 4, But afaik, On Both my Geforce 4 and Geforce FX, Old 8x, old 6x, 4x 9tap and most of the hidden super sampling modes. 2x2, 1x2 and 2x1 modes, all require you to use a tweaking program. They arent enabled by default in the CP,

But they can be enabled. I cant speak for the texture compression issue. As it was never an issue for me. I owned 3dfx for way too long it seems.

Anyway. Any other opinions about this? I'm sorry I'm quite curious about the new AA, first few impression seems to say it sucks. :?