New Borderlands?


Red-headed step child
Ah, only after I typed in the title did I find the Pre-Sequel thread over in the gasp, cough, gag Console Games forum. Barf.

I'm posting here for two reasons: one, because dammit there's a PC version! And two, because... uh... I'm a terrible, terrible PC gaming minion and have never played any of the Borderlands series.

So to begin my atonement, I purchased the original Borderlands GOTY (all the DLC) from Steam last night for cheap. I'm staying at a hotel this week, it took all of overnight to get the ~10GB download complete over the free wifi. I gave it about ten minutes worth of play time this morning before I showered, not enough to make any judgement calls of course.

Which of the series was the best? 1 or 2?
Borderlands 2 most definitely for me. It's such a fantastic combination of shooter + RPG with superb production and voice acting.
All the Borderlands games are great. 2 is better than 1 IMO, but you should still play them all. My brother and I just finished the first run through the Pre-Sequel and it was a riot. Now on to True Vault Hunter mode, where the real loot and tough ass badguys are.

Great games. And they run well on pretty much any hardware, though the PhysX effects are actually really cool (can't remember if PhysX is in BL1) and to run at High or Ultra PhysX you'll need a decent NVIDIA card. That said, my brother's 7950 + i5-3550 can easily handle Medium PhysX in the Pre-Sequel, and medium is where the really cool liquid effects get turned on.
I've just been looking at borderlands 2 again with the high physics and it's quite good. Love all the cloth everywhere. 970 really eats it all up even in DSR mode.
Oh man I'm jelly. The GTX670 is still going strong but I really want those 970s to come back in stock.

BTW do you have the Pre-Sequel yet? Brooks and I are raging on it lately. We'd welcome another Vault Hunter :)
I don't have it yet. I haven't even played a game in ages other than a few 970 tests. Our company was acquired by the largest real estate company in the country and unfortunately I'm a key person for all the technical operations so it's been late nights and weekend work to try and get everything done. I miss Diablo and I really want to play pre-sequel as well, especially when it's new and there's other friends playing it. Co-op is where its at!
Borderlands 2 is the best. A lot of the ideas and mechanics in BL1 (which is still a great game), were refined and improved in the sequel. The big DLCs also add substantially to the game with significant new areas.

I haven't played the Pre-Sequel, but from what I've read, it's good, but not as great as BL2. It's really a big standalone expansion pack. AFAICR I think it was farmed out to another studio.
I've had a few weeks to kick the tires, and I find the first one to be "alright". The guns are cool, the graphics are good for the era, and the performance is good for the hardware. I get that I"m supposed to want to get more and more loot, but perhaps loot-collecting games aren't my favorite.

Still, it isn't a bad experience at all. As a FPS, it's still good. Just... not awesome (yet perhaps?)
I'd say 99% of the loot is worthless. Then you get lucky and find that Volcano sniper and just lay waste to the entire planet. I guess "awesome" is in the eye of the beholder. When I first ready about BL and saw those cell shaded graphics, I thought "What the hell is this crap?". But then I played it and was pleasantly surprised. It definitely has a good "feel" about it.
Yeah, when you get a seriously good gun, it's a lot of fun. The challenge comes when you're too dependent on that killer weapon and then get into a fight where it's worthless. One of the earlier bosses named "Sledge" was fought in close quarters and my exploding sniper rifle was useless. Turns out he wasn't a fan of incendiary bullets, so my almost-flame-throwing SMG solved the problem after a few deaths.

Now I'm contesting with SkagZilla, and I haven't figured out how to kill him just yet. Rockets seem pointless, I have Sledge's shotty which deals monumental damage at zero range, but is mostly worthless at any distance that isn't point-blank. I'm sure there's a better option, I just haven't found it yet.
Alright, I've completed both the first and second playthroughs of BL1 and I'm pretty happy with it. Happy enough that I'm now waiting for it to go on some sort of Steam special, along with all the DLC :)