Need the cheapest card that matches an amd 6950

Aha! I also have a QX6700 which would go in your mobo perfect davros! It overclocks to 3GHz easily, haven't really tried to go any higher. I PMed you that I'll be shipping the card tomorrow so I'll throw it in the box if you want. I would include the mobo but you already got one (plus it's a full ATX board and they would probably make me sacrifice my left testicle for shipping...).

You need an SSD? I have a 120 GB Kingston HyperX drive (it's a really good one from a couple years ago). Let me know and I'll send it as well. Oh and I've got some great quality 2GB DDR2-800MHz sticks, you need?

I put all my old parts together thinking I would have use for a 3rd gaming PC but the thing hasn't been powered on in almost a year now. I would be honored for them to sit inside the Five Terabytes of Gaming Goodness!

P.S. ima just send all this stuff regardless of whether you need it because I certainly don't (my mobo ain't got no more SATA ports nor can it accept that CPU and doesn't use DDR2) and I'll be by the post office first thing in the AM and it won't change the shipping cost and I dunno if you'll have a chance to respond given the timezone difference.

P.P.S. I'm not gonna bother wiping the SSD so be respectful of all the newd alstrong pics on there. They are sacred to me :yep2:

P.P.P.S. Although I'm sorry it took so long for me to send this stuff I didn't realize I had other components you could use and I'm damn sure glad I didn't send the GPU without the CPU.
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My coworker should have shipped the stuff today. I'll check and make sure in the morning.
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So I sent it just now. UPS printed a Power of Attorney form which I filled out to the best of my ability. Crazy lawyer stuff.

If this crap gets stuck in customs Ima blow a gasket.
Congratulations on your soon to be rebuilt machine Davros. But this thread has got me curious as to what the next new build that will house the sacred gaming goodness will look like... any idea?
Congratulations on your soon to be rebuilt machine Davros. But this thread has got me curious as to what the next new build that will house the sacred gaming goodness will look like... any idea?
It would be totally dependant on the amount of money I have to spend
Homerdogs parcel arrived this morning - woot
The bad news, I got charged £40.85
also homer you forgot the ssd ;)
and to prove that bad luck comes in 3's
the potentiometer on the accelerator pedal of my g25 is spiking
I was going to swap it with the one from the clutch pedal but i dont have the right size allen key :(

Once again Homer your a gentleman and a scholar.........
ps: Homer what did you do to overclock your cpu to 3ghz
I will o/c the q6600 first (better to damage that than the q6700) and i know some people have managed 3.6ghz on air with a q6600 (b0 stepping)
I ran that CPU at 3GHz on a 400MHz FSB. It's basically the same CPU as the Q6600 except the multiplier is unlocked.

Also I wonder how they determined what to charge you. Who in the customs dept would know how much that stuff is worth?

And about the SSD, I PMed you that I couldn't find it when I went to send this stuff. I think I gave it to my brother a while back and forgot, or he just grabbed it when I wasn't looking...
davros, I apologize on behalf of our governments that they made you pay up in order to receive the package. I guess it was still quite a bit less than what you'd pay for a GTX670 class card, and NVIDIA supports their older cards really well from what I've experienced. The CPU and RAM were just bonuses and if I'd known they'd charge you for receiving them I'd have asked if you really wanted them.

Anyway I hope the card serves you well and glad to see the Five Terabytes is back in action :p

P.S. my title has changed
Congrats on your new title - well deserved
There has been constant worship at the altar of gaming goodness, now I just have to go through 500 games and see which still run after a windows re install
I'm super glad this worked out, and have no regrets at all, but would like to add this bit of info for any other would be do-gooders:

For what I paid in shipping plus what they charged davros, it almost would have been smarter to put the money I spent on shipping toward a brand new card (like a GTX960) for him. The reason I say almost is because GPUs are apparently way more expensive in the UK than most other places on Earth (strong US dollar + Rip-off Britain). If he lived in some other country it would have definitely been the smarter choice.
Not to mention shipping overseas is an apparent PITA and I was lucky my office staff took care of the parts I didn't understand :)
None of the retailers in my city have a gtx670 but maplins does sell the gtx660ti
Amazon have the 960 for less than that; £167.99. Save yourself a few quid and get a better card.

I wouldn't buy hardware from Maplins...
None of the retailers in my city have a gtx670 but maplins does sell the gtx660ti

Eerm.. I just bought a 290X with aftermarket cooling for £210 from Amazon UK, international shipping (Europe) included.