Need the cheapest card that matches an amd 6950


I'm getting lots of crashes/ctd's/bluescreens ect
so I need to replace my 6950 while spending as little money as possible and I'd rather not get anything slower (i have a gtx260)
BTW - You sure its not power supply problems? Happened to me once, thought it was videocard, actually PS.
replaced the psu same problems, ran memtest86 passed also replaced ram replaced soundcard with onboard, replaced mboard
final test is putting in the gtx260 but I would like to finish witcher 3 first

Bonaire or Pitcairn, but YMMV for price.
means nothing to me. From the post below I take it you mean 7850 or r270
ymmv ?

pps: whats the nv alternative
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I like the video card I linked from a value perspective its only $20 more than their cheapest 270 card. (both after rebate)
And its not slower than your current since it matches or exceeds the 6950 in all specs (ROP's, texture units), in fact IIRC its a rebranded 7950.

Did you try that driver uninstaller (i think its called DDU) and then reinstalling drivers?
Also did you look for recent windows updates around the time the problem started happening? and uninstalling.
Same as above except other drivers?

Oh and if you could afford $200 I'd go for a GTX960. But thats just me.
Looking at the absurd amount of complaints I've seen towards nVidia's (lack of) driver efforts on Kepler cards, I'd stay away from cards of that gen as much as I could.
I'd definitely go either for a GTX960 or a R9 285, if you're limited to $200 or less.
The GTX 960 will run Witcher 3 better than its AMD counterpart.

Within a week, AMD is going to re-launch the R9 285 as R9 380 and that might come with a better optimized PCB.

If you're not willing to spend more than $150, definitely go with a 2GB Pitcairn (R9 270, soon to be re-launched as R7 370). It's a much better performing card than the GTX 750 Ti.
The R9 280 is probably the best value card on the market. I have one (well a 7950 Boost which is the same thing) and it still rocks most games at max settings. You can't go wrong, and anything slower wouldn't save you that much money since you can find the 280 for $170 ($150 after MIR, with Dirt Rally), probably much less on ebay etc.

If you want NVIDIA I would spend $20 more and get a GTX960.

Edit: Actually davros check your PM I think I have an offer you can't refuse :smile2:
Are there any hoops to jump through when shipping something like a GTX670 from America to the UK? It would be a gift so I assume not but I've never shipped anything international.
Are there any hoops to jump through when shipping something like a GTX670 from America to the UK? It would be a gift so I assume not but I've never shipped anything international.

Think it should be okay. Digi once sent me a 9600xt (I was living in the Netherlands) and it got delivered just fine.
Davros, didn't you have a GTX660 at some point?

Anyway I'm glad the GTX670 will be sponsoring the sacred Five Terabytes of PC Gaming Glory! Just don't be fooled, I'm going to have to ship it in a GTX260 box because I can't find the 670 box. I am swimming in fucking boxes (from here I see 6600GT, 7600GT, 8800GT, GTX260, HD7950, and GTX970 boxes) but of course the one I actually need is MIA. :devilish:
Are there any hoops to jump through when shipping something like a GTX670 from America to the UK? It would be a gift so I assume not but I've never shipped anything international.

I don't know the customs in the UK, but for Portugal they would definitely hold the package for weeks/months until you found the original receipt for the card and then they'd charge you the UK's VAT over the value that was in the receipt. And they would also charge you the VAT for the shipping.
If you don't get them the receipt, they'll just find some store's listing and charge the VAT over the price of a new card.
I would vote for the R9 270, because it's faster even than 6970.
If you wanna go even cheaper, then Radeon R7 260X. It perhaps matches 6950 if overclocked.