Need advice!


B3D Yoddha
This is related to my studies, actually my study habits have seen constant degrade since my schooling. Right now I am doing MCA (Master in Computer Applications), I am also a working guy and can devout at most apprx 3 hrs for studies in the evening after reaching home. Now the problem is that my want to concentrate hard and get good marks so that I can have a good career. But I always manage to waste those 3 hrs on watching TV, browsing internet and playing minesweeper and PS2. I know there are several successful people here who must have studied really hard, tell me how to I concentrate only on my studies? How do I not waste time browsing net, playing games???

This is damn serious.
you have two options in my opinion. Either do your study outside of home, where you have less distractions. Or break all devices that distract you from studying, simply unpluging then works too. ;)

I know what your going through, quite hard to keep studying when there are so many things that are more fun/enjoyable to do.

Well you dont have to break the devices but un plug them. The reason you are turning to them is because they are the easier option and require less thought (something as a species relaxes us). Try uninstalling minesweeper, you could always put it back later. The main thing though is that you just have to push yourself into it.
Or maybe you should try and study something that actually interests u more than TV, PS2 and all that...

Look at me, i left Economics cause i was like you, i just could not force myself to study it anymore, it didn't interest me. And as revealed on an older thread i'll be doing a course on CGI (Maya mainly) and pursue my career in that field, which is what interests me the most, it's what i spend the most time doing (last night i was up until 1.30 messing around with landscapes...)

Think about it, if your studies are not interesting, maybe you should think about doing something else...
Deepak said:
This is damn serious.
This is the first and most important step! Realization, now get your shit together, kick yourself in the ass and build on it. Good luck!
Deepak I know exactly where you are coming from. I am in the process of finishing up my bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and always seem to run into the problem of not getting work done on projects. My solution has been to just go and find somewhere quiet where people won't bother me and I can spread out and do my work. Typically I bring my laptop and throw on some music to listen to as I do work. If wireless is available and I sign on to AIM I make sure that I have an away message up so I don't have the urge to talk with people. If someone does bother me I only talk with them if it is related to what I am doing. If I don't need my laptop to do work then I don't bring it...but I find that I get bored with what I am doing easily if I don't have something to listen to. The nice thing about doing all of this is that it focuses you exclusively on the work you are doing.

One other possible solution is to head to the library. Most libraries have desks that have walls on either side so you can't get distracted. Just sit down at one of these and go to work. You will most likely get a lot accomplished as there will be nothing in sight that can distract you. Don't bring anything with you either that you won't need to do your studying or work or you will be tempted to play with whatever it is than do work.

With regards to the people suggesting that you change your major to something that interests you more they have a point...but it really depends on the situation. If you hate what you are doing on the whole then switch, but if it is just one class that you really hate then don't. I can think of more than a few courses over the past 4 years that I absolutely hated...but I love my major and gutted it out in those courses so that I could take the things that interested me. Hope this advice helps you!
deepak think of your work in terms of your final goal. Perhaps to motivate yourself visit some of the most poor areas of your country. Explore them. Understand them. Would you want to be like them? Would you rather achieve something instead of giving up and possibly ending up like them? Make something of yourself.
Thanks folks for providing invaluable suggestions. I am not going to (infact I can't) change my course, I love it and anyway it is almost impossible to change your line in India.