NA Playstation Hardware News

patsu said:
Also, when held in my own hands, I could easily tell there was a difference between the original Sharp and Samsung screens (...even though I did not compare them side by side)
Like 2k had better response rates over 1k? People swore over that one as well (likewise, without side-by-side checking). I even bought into it until I did the side-by-side myself.

I still think that this rumour was started from stupid things like the article you linked to and likely the more hush-hush things like the fact that some early prototypes and devkits had screens with better refresh rate (but a bit lower contrast).
The first models of 1k had better response times than the later 1k models. So it depends a lot on what 1k you're comparing to 2k model. EDIT: Sony switched manufacturor during the 1k model - they were made by different companies - Samsung vs Sharp I think. I have a first batch Japanese PSP, and it had a lot less ghosting than my friend's who got a first EU model. Later the 1k model screens became a bit better again (my white PSP is almost exactly as good as that original screen).
Like 2k had better response rates over 1k? People swore over that one as well (likewise, without side-by-side checking). I even bought into it until I did the side-by-side myself.

I still think that this rumour was started from stupid things like the article you linked to and likely the more hush-hush things like the fact that some early prototypes and devkits had screens with better refresh rate (but a bit lower contrast).

Does your Sharp display have ghosting as bad as the Samsung one ? This is most noticeable when playing LocoRoco.
patsu said:
Does your Sharp display have ghosting as bad as the Samsung one ? This is most noticeable when playing LocoRoco.
The most reliable ghosting test I've found is Ridge Racer loading game (XRally). The reds, blues, and blacks all have a constant ghosting length due to how the game scrolls :p

So far, I haven't seen a single PSP that would behave different then others under that game - even some for which I "thought" response rate should have been better, like the 2k. IMO, the perceptions of higher refresh rates were down to placebo effects.
I don't know about contrast ratios because I never paid special attention to those.
I see. I will need to find one (PSP-3000 or the original Sharp screen) to compare. I was almost certain that the Sharp screen was more vibrant and I didn't notice much ghosting until I got the Samsung one.
I'm looking forward to trying 3000 myself - the promise of refresh rate and SDTV out for games are keeping me from picking up a 2000 right now.

Why'd you get rid of Sharp screen model btw?
I lost the entire PSP pouch in a trip to Asia, together with GTA for PSP, Socom, and Metal Gear Ac!d.
The first models of 1k had better response times than the later 1k models. So it depends a lot on what 1k you're comparing to 2k model. EDIT: Sony switched manufacturor during the 1k model - they were made by different companies - Samsung vs Sharp I think. I have a first batch Japanese PSP, and it had a lot less ghosting than my friend's who got a first EU model. Later the 1k model screens became a bit better again (my white PSP is almost exactly as good as that original screen).
Can you grab a video of both screens showing the same content to look for ghosting? That'd lay this argument to rest.
Ok, I didn't see Arwin's edit. That makes sense. I must have one of those "ghosted" PSPs.

It's worst with red. When the red LocoRoco grows large enough (like 1/4 to 1/3 of PSP screen size), the game becomes a horror flick: The poor blob was losing liters of blood bouncing all over the place. :LOL: (I am exergerating but that was my impression when I first encountered it).
Shifty Geezer said:
Can you grab a video of both screens showing the same content to look for ghosting? That'd lay this argument to rest.
I could have done that when I was still at my old workplace, now I no longer have access to launch PSPs.
So no picture proof - but back when I checked it, I honestly couldn't say there was a perceptually noticeable ghosting difference between Launch 1k, a 2006 1k, and a 2k (tested with RallyX). 2k surprised me, because I could have sworn it looked better until I put them side by side...
My friend sold his PSP, bought a 2k one. So I can't compare that one which is unfortunate - the difference was insanely clear. I can try putting my white psp next to my Japan launch black one, but that difference is very small as I said. I think that one batch of early Samsung PSP 1k's is the only one that underperformed. The rest of them are all just about the same I think - where I have to point out by the way that it's never bothered me.

This new one does look like it's better though.

EDIT: The difference for TV out is that the 3k can output to SDtv as well. The earlier model could only output to progressive scan capable displays, which is a bit limiting.
My friend sold his PSP, bought a 2k one. So I can't compare that one which is unfortunate - the difference was insanely clear. I can try putting my white psp next to my Japan launch black one, but that difference is very small as I said. I think that one batch of early Samsung PSP 1k's is the only one that underperformed. The rest of them are all just about the same I think - where I have to point out by the way that it's never bothered me.

This new one does look like it's better though.

EDIT: The difference for TV out is that the 3k can output to SDtv as well. The earlier model could only output to progressive scan capable displays, which is a bit limiting.

D'oh! I thought the composite cables could output video from games.
Depends on how the refresh rate is measured. I'd actually expect the PSP to be worse than 30ms... my old Dell laptop's screen was 35ms and infinitely superior to PSP's ultra-ghosting.
I only notice it playing LocoRoco though (because of the red 'Roco). Regular Patapon games didn't seem so bad. From experience, the ghosting is worst with red.

EDIT: I seem to recall the Sharp screen has a 15ms refresh rate, but I can't find the reference anymore. May be I am dreaming.
grandmaster said:
my old Dell laptop's screen was 35ms and infinitely superior to PSP's ultra-ghosting.
Hard to tell without comparing them across different colors.
1-2 years old Samsung LCD TVs are already rated ~5ms, and they ghost just as bad as PSP with the "right" colors (something like bright orange on mint-green really killed it).
Of course, LCD TVs are optimized for different kind of content then monitors, you won't find clouding/burn-in on laptop/desktop LCDs either, but TVs pretty much all have it.
Man the PSP is looking more attractive every time I hear news on it. I really should pick one up. Problem is I'd use it more as a personal media playback device than a gaming device, so I'd have to pick up a few memory sticks to keep movies on. Anyone know of any deals on some large memory sticks (i.e. > 4GB)?