My wife got me an elf hat.


Someone at EB has a chic with my hat on for an avatar! :LOL:
B3D's uncle dig is wearing the silly hat, you know its christmas :D

(Sage, STFU, you know nothing about the majority of males clearly and how the many amoung us who aren't predators get chewed up and spat out by your wonderful "women".)
I love you guys. This entire thread is a tribute to how much people care about each other even if this forum is just a small part of their lives.

That, Sage, should show you something of the way mankind (and men specifically) are.

I love the hat Dig, it's freakin' awesome. I definately need one.

Merry Christmas to all.
Digi, I have a friend, he has the EXACT same hat. Wears it all the time and gets plenty of friendly remarks.