My wife got me an elf hat.

Xenus said:
Sage, there are some parts peoples life I just don't want to know and digi being a sexual predator in an elf hat is one of them.


We've gone way too far here.

Accusing, even in jest, somebody of being a sexual predator can be utter poison to their life.
digitalwanderer said:
Sage said:
just now your wife manages to keep that part of you on a leash.

And this is wrong, how?

nothing wrong with that- it's how its supposed to be. women are supposed to have total controll over men so that they can keep the men from hurting people.
RussSchultz said:

We've gone way too far here.

Accusing, even in jest, somebody of being a sexual predator can be utter poison to their life.

all men are sexual predators.
Damn Sage what's wrong with you today. Not all men are evil and whatever happened to you seems to have really fucked up your perspective in life. While a man must of did something horrible to you to make you feel this way it doesn't mean all men are evil. Just like fact that there were Muslims that attacked the WTC on 9/11 doesn't mean all Muslims feel that way.
Xenus said:
Damn Sage what's wrong with you today. Not all men are evil and whatever happened to you seems to have really fucked up your perspective in life. While a man must of did something horrible to you to make you feel this way it doesn't mean all men are evil. Just like fact that there were Muslims that attacked the WTC on 9/11 doesn't mean all Muslims feel that way.

all men are sexual predators. it's part of how we're built. it's nature- men fuck whatever they can get their grimey hands on. including any woman or child or even other men that happens within their sphere of influence. that's why women exist- to keep men under controll.
No, sage that's why self control and conscience exist. Not all males are sexual predators because they have a sex drive. Males that are sexual predators have problems with there mental state or are just really fucked up. This does not include children, or other men. For that fact it doesn't include women against there will. Those things are vile and should never be done. I don't know what smashed your world as a child but whatever happened does't mean everybody is that way. Come on just a little while ago you were talking to digi and I and this notion that you think all men are horrible evil beings didn't come out then. The person who did this to you should be locked in prison forever and it sounds like you should get some counciling. Your explaination makes it sound like you have these urges to and think only a girlfriend/wife can control them. If you do please go see counciling immedaitely I don't want you to turn out like the man who did this to you or decide to commit suicide.
Xenus said:
No, sage that's why self control and conscience exist.
yeah but obviously men aren't capable of controlling themselves.
Not all males are sexual predators because they have a sex drive.
yes they are
Males that are sexual predators have problems with there mental state or are just really fucked up.
it's part of the basic design of men- we fuck whatever we can fit it into
This does not include children, or other men. For that fact it doesn't include women against there will.
I disagree. Just about everyone I know personally has confessed to me having been through some kind of sexual abuse. That's not an exaggeration. It's a LOT more prominent than you realize. Yes, MOST PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ABUSED. Most of them just don't talk about it except to a very very few people.
Those things are vile and should never be done.
and yet they are done
everybody is that way.
Come on just a little while ago you were talking to digi and I and this notion that you think all men are horrible evil beings didn't come out then.
why should it? it's kind of like saying "the sky is blue". I don't tell everyone i talk to that the sky is blue.
The person who did this to you should be locked in prison forever
all men should
and it sounds like you should get some counciling.
didn't you read my post? years and years of councilling and medicine
Your explaination makes it sound like you have these urges to and think only a girlfriend/wife can control them.
no, i need a girlfriend or wife so that I don't have to be afraid of other men anymore.
If you do please go see counciling immedaitely I don't want you to turn out like the man who did this to you
i'd kill myself first
or decide to commit suicide.

don't worry im not in any immediate danger of commiting suicide. that would quite possibly drive my cousin to commit suicide since i live with her now and she's lost two friends recently, including her best friend to suicide. so i cant do that while I'm living with her and I have a lease until Sep next year. So, I'm safe at least until then.
Sage said:
all men are sexual predators. it's part of how we're built. it's nature- men fuck whatever they can get their grimey hands on. including any woman or child or even other men that happens within their sphere of influence. that's why women exist- to keep men under controll.
Not true Sage, not true at all.

Maybe we have a lot of instincts that try to influence us to act that way, but I prefer to think that man is a rational creature and can control his/her baser instincts to some extent rather than let them control him/her.

I am not a sexual predator, nor ever have I been. I have been preoccupied with seeking sex before, but I would never force someone into sex against their will.

I am not faithful because I fear my wife finding out, I'm faithful because it's the right thing to do and it lets me sleep good at night and look myself in the eye every morning with a little bit of pride. Sure there is temptations everywhere, but that adds spice to life and it's something that I know I won't ever fall for....I know that I am ultimately responsible for my own choices and actions, so I choose not to.

You have a very dim view of mankind, we ain't all like that.
digitalwanderer said:
Maybe we have a lot of instincts that try to influence us to act that way, but I prefer to think that man is a rational creature and can control his/her baser instincts to some extent rather than let them control him/her.
yes, she can controll her instincts and manipulate him to controll his. he, however, cannot controll his instincts.

You have a very dim view of mankind, we ain't all like that.
yes, not all mankind is like that. specifically those with ovaries are not like that. the other half is.
Sage said:
he, however, cannot controll his instincts.
Mebbe *he* can't, but *I* can and do many others.

Sounds like you've been hurt pretty badly before Sage, I'm reading between the lines pretty clearly methinks. Have you been to therapy for it and is the person still alive and in your area?
digitalwanderer said:
Sounds like you've been hurt pretty badly before Sage, I'm reading between the lines pretty clearly methinks. Have you been to therapy for it and is the person still alive and in your area?

yeah ive been to therapy for years and noone could really tell what was wrong with mey- they just called me depressed (because supposedly i had a genetic disposition and i was just born that way) and loaded me up on antidepressants.

and i dont know if they're still alive. i dont know who it was. i didnt even remember anything at all until about this past june. that was after i quit the therapy and drugs. so, i see no reason to go back to therapy and drugs as they just buirried it. maybe that's my problem- i dont know who it was so in my mind it could be anyone and everyone.
Sage said:
i dont know who it was so in my mind it could be anyone and everyone.
That would suck and be scary. I had a friend who was abused as a child and repressed it for over 20 years and it hit 'em out of the blue HARD and was a bitch for 'em to deal with.

It takes a lot of time, and it's gonna keep coming up for a while. Memories will come back, learning to deal with them will help you to cope though.

Try and remember the most important bit; you're a survivor! Don't let it ruin the rest of your life, you got the biggest chunk still ahead of you.
digitalwanderer said:
Don't let it ruin the rest of your life, you got the biggest chunk still ahead of you.

actually, i got about half if it left. i'm probably going to go in my 40s or 50s, maybe even 30s like my grandfather on my moms side. it's hereditary and I'm not exactly doing a lot to prevent it (well, i dont smoke or drink which probably helps a bit).
Sage said:
actually, i got about half if it left. i'm probably going to go in my 40s or 50s, maybe even 30s like my grandfather on my moms side. it's hereditary and I'm not exactly doing a lot to prevent it (well, i dont smoke or drink which probably helps a bit).
Quit being so optimistic, you won't get out of life that easy. ;)

I myself was firmly convinced I would die at age 33 for the majority of me life. :)
RussSchultz said:

We've gone way too far here.

Accusing, even in jest, somebody of being a sexual predator can be utter poison to their life.

Couldn't agree more. Someone's painting with brush strokes a wee-bit too broadly.
Well just to be a little weirdly on-topic, I got more than a dozen compliments on my hat already (11 ladies, 1 fella) and tons of smiles wearing it.

Get yourself an Elf Hat, it'll find ya some company. 8)
Sage said:
maybe that's my problem- i dont know who it was so in my mind it could be anyone and everyone.

I'm sorry about any experiences you may have had in the past and how this is still affecting you today but listen to the people here. Not all men try to f&ck anything that moves.

All men also used to be hunters/scavengers. So what? All that doesn't matter anymore because these days we live in societies and these things are no longer necessary/desirable.

As for your reverence for women, that's nice but maybe get to know some/live with one for a while and you might discover that there is not some mystical wall between men and women that makes all men evil and all women doing everything for the greater good of humanity on the whole. Forget that!
I wear a Santa hat this time of year.
